[40] The New Girl E

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Mia's POV:

Sara woke me up this morning early, around 9ish. I got out of bed and left mom a note saying I went to the arena. My band got in around an hour ago. They went to the hotel and got ready and now I'm meeting them at the arena. Simon is coming with Reagan in about an hour so I need to have a band meeting with them before they come.

I only put my hair up and eat my breakfast before I saw them walk to stage. Yes the stage I'm sitting on the piano bench. I got up off the bench and gave them all a hug. Taylor looked good I have to say.

"We need to have band meeting before Simon gets here." I said and sat on the floor.

"Okay what's up?" Hanna asked.

"He called a few days ago and said I needed to add a pianist to the band and he found someone already. I haven't even met her yet. All I know about her is that her name is Reagan Homes." I said flat out.

There was no easy way to tell them, so I just said it at once. They all looked okay with it, at least I couldn't see anything wrong on their faces.

"Okay I guess, when do we meet her?" Mark asked.

"I don't know an hour maybe? Whenever he gets here." I said.

"Anything else you need to fill us in on boss?" Taylor asked.

"I'm changing the set list so we need to start practicing." I said and got up.

"Again?" Hanna said.

"Yea don't worry the song isn't hard to learn. It's also going on the album. I already recorded parts for it and two other songs. When I get back to LA we will finish those songs and then I master the album and then it will be released." I said getting my guitar.

I played them The Only Reason and Only Place I Call Home. I only told them the meaning behind OPICH because if I say what TOR is about I don't want to know the outcome. I was able figure out their parts for TOR quick because they helped out. Taylor and I didn't talk about the breakup or her health when we breaked in between songs. I already asked Sara to keep everyone out even mom because I don't want anybody to hear us yet.

Tonight before Little Mix and Fifth Harmony leave for there own shows we will have a little mini concert which will be my set list for tomorrow so everyone will get to hear me. The band ran threw the set list once without stopping. We sounded pretty good. I just need to make some minor changes and we'll be ready.

Before I could speak to my band I heard clapping from the side of the stage. I looked over and saw Simon standing there with a big smile on his face and Sara right behind him.

"That was incredible Mia, absolutely amazing." He said.

"Thanks Simon but I asked Sara to keep everyone out while we are rehearsing." I said kind of annoyed she didn't listen.

"Don't worry about Sara I wanted to hear you guys." Simon said.

"So where's the new girl?" I asked drinking some water.

"Oh Reagan is backstage waiting, Sara can you get her?" Simon asked.


Sara left the stage. Simon talked about some things he wanted to do for like promotions and stuff while Sara was away. We also started talking about possible release days since I told him I was almost done with the album.

"There she is, Reagan this is Mia, Mia this is Reagan." I turned around to see someone I thought I would never see again.

"Amanda?" She asked.

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