[56] My Love is Like a Star E

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Demi's POV

When the 19th came around I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to miss Mia's show and I wasn't going to. I made Natalie go down to Brazil and get everything set up for my shows, I told her I would met her down there. I said bye to Mia and acted like I was going to Brazil but I totally fooled her.

After the show was over I went into her dressing room. It was really hard not to wait for her to come off stage. Her show was amazing. Her fans went nuts for her when she was on stage. I couldn't wait to see her.

It took a while but she finally came into her dressing room. After she walked in she just started at me, frozen in place.

"I heard through the grape vine you stole my shirt and I came to get it, since it is one of my favorites." I said. Mia still just stood there like a statue.

"You're here." She finally said.

"You really think I would missed my girlfriends first ever show? You're out of your mind." I said and smiled.

Tears started to flow out of Mia's eyes and I walked over to her. I threw my arms around her and she cried. I wasn't sure why she was crying till she finally stopped. She was just really happy to come and see me. After the show I went home with her and we feel asleep in each others arms. The morning after she took me to the airport and we said bye for real. I was able to keep myself together while we said goodbye but I cried during the flight. Maddie and Dallas both flew down with Max and I.

I couldn't wait to get to Brazil. My Brazilin Lovatics are amazing and super fans and I have some really fun stuff for them to do while I'm there. Once we got there Natalie met us at the airport and took me over to see the arena I'm playing at. My first show here tomorrow so I wanted to make sure everything was set up the way I needed it to be.

Everything looked good and my band and I did a mini sound check to make sure everything is good. Show after show here in Brazil was absolute madness. I have the best fans in the world. I got to record a lyric video for Really Don't Care and seeing their reactions for when I came into the screen was priceless.

So now it's the last night on the South American leg of the tour and I'm in Ecuador. Tonight I'm planning on calling Maddie up on stage to sing with me because she has an amazing voice and people need to hear it. But on the other hand I'm missing Mia so much. We text every day but it's not the same as hearing her voice or seeing her in person. We haven't really talked on the phone in a while and I miss her.

At sound check today I told the guys what is going to go on about me having Maddie come out on stage. But also I wanted to add a song in after Warrior. We played it and I couldn't wait for the show later. The rest of that day went by pretty fast because I had time to call Mia.

"Hey babe!" She said into the phone.

"God I missed your voice." I said and closed my dressing room door behind me.

"Same here. How are things going with tour?" She asked

"Good really good I just miss having you here with me." I said and took a seat on the couch.

"Same its weird to tour without having you around." Mia said.

"How's your tour going?" I asked.

"It's good great really. I'm playing in Jacksonville Florida tonight." Mia said.

"Cool" I said.

Mia and I talked for a solid hour before she had to go get ready for her show. I have to go also because people have been banging on my door for the last half hour. We said our goodbyes and I got up off the couch to answer the door.

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