[11] Alone Together E

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Demi's POV:

Today is December 24rd, Christmas eve. Mia and I are supposed to be leaving tonight at 8 because I need to do some stuff before we head back to Texas. Mia's hanging out with Wesley today because after today she isn't sure when she is going to see her again. Around 3ish she is going to the studio to record her single, Alone Together. I'm going to meet her there.

I need to finish packing up my stuff and lock up the apartment, but that will come last. Right now I'm actually up early to do some last minute Christmas shopping. I have everything I just want to get Brooklyn and Melissa a little something for the twins. Marissa is coming with me so I don't have to go alone.

"Demi you ready?" She called from the kitchen.

"Coming now." I said and walked out of my room. Wes and Mia already left, Wes is dragging her surfing.

Marissa is sitting at the island looking at her phone. I took my meds and made myself a quick breakfast.

"Come on lets go." I said. Marissa and I left the apartment and made our way to Babies-r-Us. Marissa and I had fun looking at baby clothes for a while. I ended up getting them two different outfits each. They're both really cute. Now we are getting some lunch.

Marissa and I decided to set outside at a little café in downtown LA. It's really nice out.

"Okay I need to tell you something." I said after ordering a chicken Caesar salad.

"What's up?" She said.

"I kissed Cher the other night and I like it. I don't know if this means I'm a full blown lesbian or if I'm just bi-sexual because I still like guys." I said.

"That it?" Marissa asked.

"Yea I guess so." I said kind of confused to why she's not freaking out.

"Dems stop over thinking. Just because you like girls doesn't change anything." Marissa said and took a sip from her drink.

"Oh thank god I don't know what I would do if I lost you." I said.

"Demetria did you really think you would lose me? I was there when you went to rehab, and I was there when you got out. Do you really think I'll ever leave you?" Marissa asked.

"No, thank you for understanding." I said.

"No problem." Marissa said and smiled.

The rest of our lunch was great. Marissa and I were our normal goofy selves. Toward the end of lunch the paparazzi started to make themselves known and we flipped them off. Marissa and I went back home and she helped me get the last of my stuff together.

Now we are going to the studio, I don't know who is producing the song but I know it will be someone good. After all, she is signed to Simon Cowell and LA Reid. Marissa and I talked about tour details while I drove us.

"So when do we leave?" Marissa asked when after I pulled up to the studio.

"We are leaving February 6th. The first show is February 9th." I said as I got out of the car.

"This is going to be amazing." Marissa said as I held the door open. "Thank you my dear" She said and I laughed following her.

"Studio 6" The woman at the desk said.

We made our way to the studio door and I slowly pushed the door open. Mia is sitting on the desk looking at the computer screen when I opened the door.

"Hey Dems." She said.

"How's it going?" I asked opening the door fully letting Marissa in behind me.

"Good almost done. Demi this is Steve Albini." Mia said.

The man working at the desk looked up and smiled at me. He got up from his chair and held out his hand.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Lovato." He said as I shook his hand.

"You too" I said with a big smile on my face. It's my turn to be star stuck. This man is like a legend.

"Would you like to hear the song?" He asked.

"NO! I don't want anybody to hear it yet!" Mia said and I pouted.

"Oh come on Mia just a little piece?" I said pleading.

This always works. Pushing out my bottom lip I looked at her. Mia is trying to look away but it doesn't work. I can see she is caving.

"Fine" She said and went back to the computer. Mia hit play.

I don't know where you're going

But do you got room for one more troubled soul?

I don't know where I'm going

But I don't think I'm coming home and I said

I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead

This is the road to ruin

And we're starting at the end

Say yeah (yeah!)

Let's be alone together (yeah)

We could stay young forever (yeah)

Scream it from the top of your lungs, lungs, lungs

Say yeah (yeah!)

Let's be alone together (yeah)

We could stay young forever (yeah)

We'll stay young, young, young, young, young.

Mia cut the song off after about 30 seconds. It is so good. I can't wait to hear the rest of her stuff.

"Simon and LA are holding auditions for my band the second week of January so I need to come back after New Years and he wants to release the single before I go on tour with you." Mia said and took a seat on the couch next to me.

"But I told him once tour starts I'm all yours, album comes second to the tour. When the 5H girls have recording time on tour, if you don't need me I'll go with them to work on the album." Mia said.

"Did you have a meeting with him?" I asked wondering how they talked all this stuff out.

"LA and him were waiting for me when I got here, we talked it all out. Oh and I forced Wes to take the song. He really liked it." Mia said.

"Good now finish our flight leaves soon." I said.

Mia hopped off the couch and went back into the booth. She finished singing for the day so now she is just redoing the guitar part because she didn't like the way it came out the first time. Mia has been working so hard on everything hopefully when we go home to Texas she will take the time to relax a bit.

A/N: Song on the side is Alone Together by Fall Out Boy.

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