[27] Home E

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Mia's POV:

Once the show was over we went straight onto the bus to get back to Dallas. I'm happy to go see the family because I missed my little munchkins. I went to sleep when we got on the bus and didn't wake up till Demi nudged me tell me that we are home. Well I'm home. I asked if they could drop me off at home before Demi goes home. I got out of my bunk half asleep and grabbed my stuff. Well I just took my backpack off the bus, which has everything I need in it and my guitars from under the bus.

When I looked up at the driveway I didn't see Brooklyn's Jeep but Melissa's BMW is in the driveway. I picked up my guitar and started making my way up the driveway. Before I got to the door it whipped open. Melissa came out of the door and ran to me. I put my guitar down and ran into her arms.

"I missed you!" Melissa said into my ear.

"I missed you too mom." I said and pulled away from her. She smiled and grabbed one of my guitars. I picked up the other one and we made our way inside.

I dumped my stuff in my room and walked back downstairs. Melissa is holding Julia when I walked into the living room.

"Where's Brooklyn?" I asked kind of disappointed she isn't here.

"She went on a call she should be back" Melissa got cut off.

"Honey I'm home!" Brooklyn yelled.

"I'm not here." I whispered to Melissa and hid behind the couch. Brooklyn came into the living room and kissed Melissa. She sat down next to her and Melissa got up.

"I'll be right back I need to get something from the kitchen." She said and looked at me. This is my chance. I jumped over the couch and yelled Boo into Brooklyn's ear. She screamed and jumped. I just laughed. When she finally calmed down she looked at me. She has to do a double take then she threw her arms around me.

"MIA!!!" She yelled in my ear and pulled me into her.

"Hi mom." I said.

"When did you get home?" Brooklyn asked.

"Ten minutes ago." I said and pulled away from her.

Brooklyn smiled and put her hands on my face. I grabbed onto her wrists while she rubbed my checks.

"When do you have to go do the video?" Brooklyn asked.

"We don't start shooting till 2 but I want to go there at one and look around. I haven't been in there since Demi and I broke in." I said.

"When did you break into your house?" Brooklyn asked.

"The day after I got out of the hospital when Demi took me out. I needed to get some things." I said.

"Of course you did. Come on lets get you some lunch then we can go over to your house." Brooklyn said.

I nodded and followed her to the kitchen. Melissa is already there feeding the twins. Brooklyn made some mac and cheese and we ate while catching up. I explained to them what the video is about and how everything is going to happen. I'm co-director for this video because this video is going to mean a lot to me.

About 12:30 I told them we needed to go. I put my stuff into Brooklyn's Jeep while Melissa and Brooklyn gave Karina instruction for the twins and sat in the drivers seat. They came out a few minutes later and got in. I didn't say anything on the drive over. It took about 20 minutes to get there from Mom's house. When we got there I pulled the Jeep into the driveway and killed the engine.

"Can you guys stay here for a bit I want to go in there alone for a while." I said.

"Sure, come get us when you're ready." Brooklyn said and squeezed my hand. I sighed and pulled the key out of my pocket. I got out of the car and walked up the walkway to the front door.

I put the key in the lock and unlocked the door. I pushed it open and took a step inside. Everything looked the same. The big family picture is still hanging above the fireplace. The couch and coffee table aren't here though, they probably took it when they left. On the mantle are countless family pictures of the four of us. The kitchen still looks the same.

Next I traveled up the stairs to my parent's office. I pushed that door open and looked inside. Everything is gone. The room is empty. I went across the hall and opened my parent's bedroom. I didn't enter the room though. I stood right at the threshold. Once again everything is gone. I closed the door and walked away.

The last door at the end of the hall, my old room. I pushed the door open and saw everything is as is. I walked inside and saw nothing has been moved. I sighed and sat down on the bed. Looking around the room I laughed. My walls are covered in Demi and Krewella posters along with pictures of Aiden and I. Breaking Benjamin and my signed Mayday Parade posters are still here too. I got up off the bed and walked to my closet and pulled open the door. All of my clothes are still here. I smiled and ran my hand threw them. I'm definitely going to be taking some things before I leave.

After I'm done with my room I left my room and walked into Aiden's. Pushing his door open I looked around. Just like my room everything is still in its place just a coating of dust is over everything. I need to clean his room. I sighed and sat on his bed. His walls are painted light blue and he has baseball posters all around. On the many shelves around the room are all his baseball and soccer trophies. I got up off the bed and went to his closet. I pulled it open and saw all of his clothes. I went to go pull a sweatshirt off the hanger when a shoebox fell off the top shelve.

I bent down and started to put the stuff back into the box. I put everything in the box and there is only one thing left and envelope. Amanda Mackenzie is written on the front. I flipped the envelope around and opened it. Inside is a hand written letter. I pulled it out and opened it.


I know that if you get this letter I am no longer here.
Please don't be sad or angry about my death.
I want you to move on and live your life without anything holding you back.
I know mom and dad are a lot harder on you then me and I don't know why.
I don't know why they don't care about you like they do for me but please know that you are so much better then I am. I love you Mia. Please know that.

Forever and Always

You're brother,


P.S. The stuff in this box is for you

I put the note down and started to go threw the shoebox. There are pictures and movie stubs and concert tickets and bracelets I made him along with a lot of guitar picks. I flip the box upside down and went through it. There are some letters he has written for me that have different things written on the front of them. Open on a bad day, a good day, when your heart gets broken by a girl, when your heart gets broken by a boy, on your wedding day, when you give birth to your first child, your second. A lot of other letters are in this box and it makes me wonder if Aiden was thinking about killing himself if he has all of this planned out. I mean why else would he have all of this.

Slowly I start to put everything back in. I looked at everything soaking every detail before putting things back into the box. When I was done I closed the top of the box and got up off the floor. I think I almost ran out of the house into the front lawn. When I pulled the door open everyone is waiting on the lawn. My moms, my band, Sara, Simon, the crew for the video, Demi and Fifth Harmony are all here. I just want to crawl into Aiden's bed and stay there.

I push pass everyone and walk to Brooklyn's Jeep. I open the trunk and put Aiden's shoebox down. I pull the lid open and took out the pendant. I looked at it closely and read that it's Saint Jude. I put the necklace on and push the box into the trunk. I grab my backpack and guitar case and close the trunk.

Everyone is still waiting on me. I walk past them all and go back to the front door open it again.

"Welcome to my hell." I said addressing everyone and walked inside.

A/N: Song on the side is Mia's 'suicide note'. It's called Stop and sung by Dalton Rapattoni. It's a really beautiful song.

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