[17] Tattoo E

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Demi's POV:

Nick just dropped me off after we worked on my stage design all day. We were going to over final details for the tour. It was coming together nicely. Nick and I had a nice night. He took me out to dinner and we had fun. So now I just walked into my apartment and saw Mia sitting on the couch with three other people. Two on the floor and one next to her, meanwhile she is in a crop top and both the girl and boy on the floor are shirtless.

I drop my keys on the table and dump my pocketbook on the floor and walking farther in the living room.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked curious to her answer.

"Demi met the band." Mia said. "Hanna is shirtless on the floor she plays drums, Mark is next to her he plays bass and Taylor is on the couch and she plays guitar and sings backup." Mia said.

"Why are you guys shirtless?" Was my next question.

"They were showing off their tattoos." Mia said.

I looked back at the two on the floor and saw both of their backs are covered in tats.

"That makes sense I guess, I'll be in my room if you need anything." I said picking up my bag again.

"Wait Dems we are going to get tattoos, you want to come?" Mia asked.

"Sure, I want to get another one anyway, just give me five minutes." I said and went to my room to change.

Five minutes later I'm ready in a band tee jeans and converse. I go back into the living room and notice everybody has clothes on again. Mia changed into a t-shirt.

"So what shop are we going to?" I asked getting the keys to my Escalade I have for when my family comes.

"Mark wants to go to his guy and I want to go to mine." Hanna said.

"Well Mia where did you go to get yours?" Taylor asked.

"I got this back in Texas." Mia said.

"Well what do you guys want to get?" I asked.

"We want to get a word and Mia wants a quote." Mark said.

"I know a guy. Mia take them to the Escalade, I'm going to lock up." I said throwing Mia the keys.

She caught them and they all walked out the door. After they left I texted my tattoo artist and asked him to set up. He replied sure so then I locked up the house and met them in the truck.

"So how old are you guys?" I asked wanting to know who Mia is going to be around.

"Mark and I are 20 and Taylor is 19." Hanna said.

"Cool" I said and said quiet for the rest of the ride.

It took about twenty minutes to Petey's shop. When we got there I parked the car and got out. They rest of the group followed behind me. We are in a shady part of LA so I know they are probably wondering what we are doing here. I didn't say anything but walk to the shop. Petey is waiting right in front for me. When he saw me he smile.

"Long time no see Dems." He said and came around the counter.

"Same here Petey." I said and gave him a hug.

I met Petey after I got out of treatment. I was having a bad day and I went for a drive and ended up here, in this crappy neighborhood. When I passed the tattoo shop I stop and got my 'Stay Strong' tattoo. Petey did it and has done most of my tattoos since. Petey is a big guy, probably 6 feet tall and is covered tattoos. Ever inch of him, he even has a few little ones on his face.

It All Started With a Bang: 2 (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now