[19] Vancouver E

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Mia's POV:

After I got home I went right to bed. I was so tried from everything that happened that I just passed out.

After that day everything went so quickly. From working in the studio on my album to working with Demi for tour and doing promo's for my single and stuff. Alone Together dropped on iTunes on February 1st. I didn't have a chance to look on iTunes till the next day because Demi and I were really busy getting stuff ready for tour. When I finally looked on iTunes Alone Together is number one on the charts.

Melissa and Brooklyn called and we had a good hour-long conversation about it and everything that's going on. I already told Demi about having them come to the show in Grand Prairie and Huston. She was totally okay with it and told me to tell them to hook up with her mom and dad for tickets and back stage passes. They are going to bring the twins for the Grand Prairie show and leave them at home for Huston since it's a good drive away from the house. Simon told me he talked to Demi and he is getting the band to come to the show in Anaheim and San Jose.

Today is February 8th. The first show is tomorrow and we are doing a full run threw of the concert today. Full wardrobe, opening acts, lights and video. This is the first time we are doing this, so everything has to turn out good.

Right now we are all warming up backstage. I can hear the 5H girls on stage. I wanted to watch them but I couldn't. Lauren and I haven't really spoken since the party at our apartment a few months ago. I feel really bad but I didn't have time. They came off stage and walked right past us. Little Mix went on next and they did great.

Now it's our turn. We do have an audience. A few of Demi's family came out, her mom, Maddie, Marissa and a few of her friends. Everything went as planned and the rehearsal was great. Tomorrow we have a sound check party at 3. We played a few songs and then Demi answers some fan questions, which is followed by a meet and great.

Most of the band has left the stage already. I pull my guitar off and stand it up before sitting down on the edge of the stage. I took a deep breath and imagined what it was going to look like tomorrow.

"Mia can you play Alone Together please?" I heard Demi ask from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Demi standing next to my guitar.

"Sure, it's not going to sound the same without the band but I'll do it." I said and got up off the stage.

Demi handed me my guitar and I hooked myself up. I walked up to the microphone that's in the middle of the stage and looked out into the audience. Sitting in the front rows are pretty much everyone on tour with Demi. I smirked and laughed a bit.

"Really?" I asked.

"What? Everyone has been wanting to hear you sing it!" Demi said. I just laughed and started to play.

I did a bit of a different intro to the song but kept the rest the same. When I looked out into the stands I saw everyone was rocking out to the song. After it was over I kept playing a bit. Then I stopped and looked at everyone. They are all cheering.

"Okay I'm about to do something I'll get in trouble for so no recording this, and if this makes it anywhere on the Internet Simon will personal destroy your careers. I'm going to play my second single off the album, called Ocean Avenue." I said.

They all started cheering again and I started to play. The song sounds so much better with the full band but it'll just have to do. This time I looked at them most of the time. I have such a feeling of pride when I hear them cheering for one of my songs.

Demi's POV:

After listening to Mia play Ocean Avenue I knew I made the right choice talking to Simon about her. She's just a natural up on stage. Needless to say Ocean Avenue is a great song, amazing really. Mia hasn't  told me anything about her album, just what the first two singles are. I didn't hear Alone Together till it dropped on iTunes, it was definitely worth the wait, hopefully it will be the same with her album. She hasn't let me come with her to the studio because she doesn't want anybody to hear her songs yet. The only people who heard the songs are her band, Sara and Simon.

It All Started With a Bang: 2 (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now