26~ You Think They Cheated?

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"Reese, I'm telling you, it makes sense!" he shouted into the phone.

"So do unicorns Evans! And nobody believes in them!" I replied.

"I'm telling you! You were in the audience, you saw the fancy smanchy tricks the Warblers were doing! We know they're good but they're not that good! Even that lead Hunter guy, he did a perfect back flip." he said.

"Well, maybe he took gymnastics as a kid?... huh... gymnastics." I snickered, the thought of Hunter in a tight leotard made me laugh.

"I get you don't believe me either, but skype me tonight and I'll send you a video I took from sectionals. And with your expert eagle eye, maybe you'll pick up what I mean." he said.

"Alright fine, skype at eight New York time and we'll talk." I replied, finally wanting to hear an end to his blabbering.

"Ohio and New York are in the same timezone," he said. I then glared at him and pointed to my face.

"This is my 'I don't give a damn' face," I said.

"Alright, fine! Thank you Ms. Lavek, for finally listening to what I have to say. Later." he said.

"Bye." I hung up, then finished up my lunch. Then Rachel came in as I put my dishes Ito the sink.

"Hey, who was that on the phone?" she asked.

"Sam, he was throwing a conspiracy theory at me." I replied.

"About what?" she asked.

"He thinks the Warblers cheated at Sectionals." I replied. Her eyes went wide.

"Really? You told me they were good." she said.

"They were, they were fantastic. And I like to think the only reason they won was because Marley passed out and they passed through the fault... do you think they could've cheated?" I asked her.

"I didn't see them perform, so I don't know. What do you think?" she asked.

"A part of me wants to believe they did out of the fact that I can't stand Plastic Surgery. But another part of me wants to believe they didn't because..."

"Because Sebastian is your friend and you don't want to believe he pulled a stunt like that." she said.

"Okay, let me break something down for you; one: we are not friends, we are fren-e-mies. Okay? Second: I actually wouldn't be surprised if he did. I actually would've saw it coming. Why? Because he's a sneaky son of a bitch." I replied.

"Do you really believe that?" she asked. I gave her a flat look.

"What is it with you and the third degree all of the sudden?" I asked her.

"I'm just a naturally curious person." she replied.

"You're a nosy person, that's what you are." I said.

"But would I be your best friend if I wasn't, Reeses Pieces?" she asked as she got up, then walked away into her bedroom. I huffed.

"You know, I hate it when you call me Reeses Pieces!" I shouted her way.

"I don't! Brody does!" she shouted back. 

"Oh... Brody," there's another train wreck giving me a headache, "Well tell Brody that I say PZZT!" 


"You see it yet?" Sam asked for the twentieth time.

"Sam, I have watched this dumb video three times now. You know, I can actually time when the shaven baldy in the back trips but adds it to a part of the act in the One Direction number? That's sad." I said. Sam huffed on the screen.

"Reese, I know you think I'm crazy, but I'm serious. These Warblers -- they're... too good. Too good since we've known them to be. Look, just watch the video one more time, look for one tiny indifference in that team. And if you can't find it, than I won't bother you about it again. The Blonde Chameleon promises." he said. I thought we were over the superhero rave.

"Alright, fine. My eyes are drooping here, but I'll force myself through the video once more." I said and pressed play.

"Hey girl I'm waitin' on ya, I'm waitin' on ya..." jee, I think I'm sick of One Direction now.

It wasn't until 1:12 into the video that I paused it... something was off, something was very off.

"Hold on a minute, you have the video pulled up too right?" I asked him.


"Pause it a 1:12 and look through the faces; there's something very different about this group of Warblers." I said. Sam squinted his eyes on his own computer, then shrugged.

"It's like trying to play Where's Waldo, but nobody knows what Waldo looks like," he replied. My eyes scanned each and every face in that crowd, and then, as though a light bulb had gone off, I saw it!

"Oh my god." I said.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh my god."


"Oh my god!"

"Would you stop saying 'Oh my god' and answer my question?" Sam asked.

"Third guy from the right front row, you see the guy?" I said.

"Yeah, what about him?"

"I've never seen him in the Warbler group before, and you know Trent, right? I don't see him there, either." I said.

"You're right! He's the kid who acts like a sassy ray of sunshine, right?" he asked. Really? That's what they thought of him? Man, am I the only civilized person from Ohio?

... That was a trick question.

"... Sure -- but he's not there! And even if he dropped out, don't you find it odd how just as the show choir competition begins, Trent would just bail?" I asked.

"You're right, and hey -- look at the black kid, second row far left. Is it me, or does he look more muscular since we last saw him?" he asked. He was right.

"Yeah, I saw him like a month before Sectionals. I mean, there's such thing as dropping weight in a month, but there's no such thing as becoming a ripped body builder in thirty days." I replied.

"I knew something was off. I told you didn't I?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah I believe you now. Jee Sam, I'm real sorry." I said.

"Don't worry about it. I'm going to talk to Blaine and Finn about this, but until then, I want to leave you with the video. And go onto the Dalton digital yearbook and compare the faces here to the faces there. But from what we've seen so far, I think the Warblers were taking steroids." he said.

"I think you're right."

If this is true, the Ohio County PD are going to be finding a string of bodies in alley ways... I don't think I have to give much hint to my intended victims. Not even shear, plain and simple words could express my anger here. Plastic and Hairgel just better hope that they have pretty good health insurance.

Reese Lavek ⚥ S. Smythe | ✓ (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now