37~ I Do?

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"Is that the latest edition to your collection?" Sebastian flopped onto my bed while I was trying my dress on. It was a pretty blue dress with a heart cut out in the chest. Why was I getting dressed up? Easy; Mr. S was finally getting married to Ms. P.

"No actually, I bought this in New York." I replied with a sly grin.

"You...actually bought an article of clothing...that you didn't think needed to be saved?" he asked, throwing his hands behind his head and leaning back, relaxing. I couldn't blame him for asking, this was a definite first for me too.

"Well, I saw it in the window at Saks and it just...it just spoke to me." I replied.

"Your super hot." he said, his voice was low and raspy, and I knew his eyes were wandering over me.

"You can have your share of this when I get back," I said and pointed to myself, are you sure you don't want to come with me?" I asked when I started on my make-up.

"Nah, I mean the only time I've ever actually seen Mr. Shue was him as a faint face in the audience. I think it'd be awkward to just show up to your ex-glee club director's wedding. Especially since I know that Giddy Face Hummel and Sex-On-a-Stick Anderson will be there, along with Chubby Hudson and Speedy Gonzales and many more." he replied. I scoffed.

"Okay, another step about helping your humanity: stop calling my friends names. I don't call your friends by their nicknames...anymore." I said.

"What nicknames did you come up with for them?" he asked with a smirk.

"Jeff was Goldilocks, David was Oreo Cookie, and Trent...my personal favorite B-T-Dubs, was Sassafras." I replied. 

"Sassafras, like the extinct plant. I don't get it." he said. I gave him a flat look.

"Sassafras? He's the sassy Warbler? Sass? Get it? No?" I said.

"Oh, alright there you go. Now I get it, he's still not an extinct plant though." he replied.

"Oh whatever, are you sure you don't want to come or do?" I asked.

"No, if you get wasted though just call and I'll pick you up." he replied.

"Very funny, I don't drink. Well, yeah I do drink but not to the point where I'm wasted." I said, thinking about my mother. Sebastian hopped off my bed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Sorry, I forgot about your thoughts on alcohol and all that." he said, laying kissed on my shoulder.

"Alcohol and all that. Right." I said and dusted powder into his face. He started coughing.

"Hem-wow. That wasn't nice." he said. I just giggled and took my jacket, slipped it on and headed for the door.

"I'll be home by midnight, maybe earlier because I get bored at weddings." I replied.

"Really? You get bored by the vows and the 'I Do's and the receptions?" he asked.

"Well I think that it's all very ceremonial but, I just don't find it logical to close yourself to one person for the rest of your life. That's one of the cautions of dating a bisexual man, because he can easily switch from girl to boy." I replied.

"Is that so? So if your celebrity crush came along and asked you to be his girlfriend, would you dump me for him?" he asked.

"If I was getting tired of you, yes. Yes I would. No offence I'm just being realistic." I replied. 

"Well, in that case, same to you." he said.

"Good, we're on the same page. See you tonight." I said, kissed his cheek, shut the door and left for the church.


The church was packed with a whole bunch of strangers I had never seen before. I was only comfortable sitting with Rachel in the front row, and tapping my nude heel anxiously while waiting for the show to start.

"I'm bored. I am seriously like stoned-out bored and we haven't even started yet." I said to her.

"Reese I appreciate that you love to give an honest opinion but for once could you not knock this wedding? It's a ceremonial joining between Mr. Shue and the woman he loves. Ms. Pilsbury." Rachel replied.

"Yes, he's marrying a woman who's overcoming OCD and has the same name as a baking franchise." I said.

"Alright, now you're just being mean. Remember, Ms. Pilsbury did help you through your depression." she shot back.

"I know but I'm in my rude mood because I'm bored. Let's talk about something else to occupy me. Why didn't Brody come?" I asked her.

"He wasn't comfortable going to a total stranger's wedding. A wedding which my ex-boyfriend is the best man for." she replied.

"Ah, so it's the discomfort card. You trust him?" I asked.

"Oh course I trust him, he's trustable. Why?" 

"Because while you were developing your crush on him, he was as you told me and I quote 'slutting around with that Bitch-Twig Cassandra.' You think he can keep it in while you're away?" I asked.

"Of course he can. We're so over the Cassandra affair now and happily in a relationship." she replied.

"Yes, because as your best friend in the whole wide world, all that matters to me is your astounding happiness." I said.

"Aw thank you Reese. So tell me about..." Rachel turned her head to make sure nobody was listening to us.

"Tell me about Sebastian. Why didn't he come?" she asked.

"Because he knew Blaine and Kurt would be here and he's not ready to look them in the eyes yet. Or anyone else for that matter. Plus if he showed up with me, that would totally give us away." I replied.

"Oh, so you're enjoying being his dirty little secret, is that what I'm hearing?" she asked.

"Perhaps. But it seems as though he enjoys being mine as well." I replied.

"Well I can see why you enjoy is. He's cute, you're hot, he's a gentleman, you're a lady...ish, and from all your details the sex is incredible." she said with a sly grin.

"Hey, shut your mouth! We are at a wedding!" I snapped at her, which just made her laugh. Until the organ started playing, signalling the she was about to start. The doors opened, and we all turned around to see Becky, the autistic flower girl who looked very pissed off...then the bride came in. Only thing was...it wasn't Ms. Pilsbury.

It was Coach Sylvester.

"Oh lord, this is some kind gag for laughs right?" I whispered to Rachel.

"Sh!" was all she replied with. Coach didn't seem bothered by our faces of shock, she just sauntered down the isle with that smug grin on her face.

"Oh yeah, nice to see you all. Hey what do you think? Nice huh?" she did a twirl in her gown mid-way through her sauntering. "Thank you for coming. Oh look it's all the Glee kids." and she ended it by meeting Mr. S at the altar.

Reese Lavek ⚥ S. Smythe | ✓ (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now