41~ You Seem Snappy

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"Would one of you close the window before we die of frostbite please?" I asked. It was snowing outside, like hard core snowing. It was so bad that we couldn't even leave our apartment. At least I was keeping busy with my long term wire building assignment from my teacher, everybody else? Not so much. I was getting annoyed with Kurt and Adam doing impressions of some scotish dweeb.

"No, you're doing it wrong Daisy."

"I can't do it 'cause I'm in love with William." It's like Adam decided to make a gay horror movie and this is the scene before right before we all eat each other.

"Do it again, do it again."

"Welcome...to Downtown Abbey." this time, Eli Roth decided to go from the scottish feed to a british persona. I was just about ready to poke his eyes out with my needle.

"Hey Lucy, Effel, when you're done playing house in Downtown Abbey, would one of you kindly go and close the window? My tulle is starting to harden like ceramic in a kiln." I said.

"Lighten up Reese, we're just having a little fun." Kurt said as finally closed the window.

"Cheerio love, you feel better then?" Adam asked me. I looked at Kurt.

"Are you two like dating or something? Because I heard at Mr. Shue's wedding that you and Blaine like..."

"Shut up Reese. We already get the snooty comments from Santana, we don't need it from you too." he hissed back at me.

"Where is Rachel anyway? She giving the ToysRUs Ken doll a bikini wax?" I asked, meaning Brody. Adam snickered.

"Uh, Brody is working and Rachel is in the bathroom." he replied.

"Wasn't asking you Prince Harry but thank you very much for that not very helpful information." I said.

"Alright well look, NYADA's cancelled all our classes because of the snow, so let' just cozy up to our little movie marathon. Santana, did you find anything you liked in our DVD collection?" Kurt asked her.

"I sure did. Uh, Knocked Up. Hilarity. Rosemary's Baby -- that's obviously Lady Hummel's. And uh, She's Having a Baby." Santana said, looking through out DVDs. Rachel looked uncomfortable.

"I don't want to watch any of those." she said.

"Really Rachel? Not even she's having a baby? 'Cause you always cry at the end when Elizabeth McGovern has the baby." Kurt said.

"I'm not in the mood, okay? I'm not in the mood!" she snapped back. We were all taken aback at that.

"You alright Rachel? You seem kind of...snappy today." I asked her. Hey, I'm her best friend, I got a right to know when something's not right with my best friend.

"Okay fine. Because I have made a selection that is perfect for being snowined-in in New York city." Kurt said. Oh no, here it comes. Three...two...one...

"Moulin Rouge, bitches. We love those dancin' hoes." he said in a really high-pitched, sassy voice.

"And...that is my cue to leave. If anybody needs me, I'll be in my sanctuary of a bedroom while working on my wiring assignment. Lavek out." I said and headed to my room, taking my dress with me. But I had to think, Rachel was acting so strange about watching the movies Santana picked...like she was uncomfortable with the pregnancy theme.

Hold on a minute, could she be? No...no way...then again? No, I'm jumping to conclusions now.


 The next night, I was in the kitchen, helping Rachel prepare dinner for the six of us, when I mean six, I mean me and her, Kurt and Adam, Santana, and possibly Brody. If he shows up. I got a bet going on with Santana that he's going to stand up dinner again.

"Oh my god, it's getting worse out there." Kurt groaned while looking out the window. "We've been snows in for 48 hours." he said. The snow was coming down pretty hard, like a bad rain storm in the tropics...but snow...I'll shut up now.

"It's just snow Kurt, it'll melt, just give time." Rachel replied while chopping celery.

"Let's finish watching Moulin Rouge before we lose power again." he said and went fot the DVD.

"You put that sapyy movie back on, I swear to God, I'll stab you with the big knife." I said and held up the HUGE knife I was using to dice up onions.

"Yeah I agree with Reesie, please spare us. If I see one more scene of Satine coughing up blood into a handkerchief, I'm gonna start coughing up blood into a handkerchief." Santana said, which made me snicker. 

"Come on guys, it's so good. And we're right in the middle of it." Rachel said.

"Let's out it to a vote, yeah?" Adam asked.

"Oh house vote. I say yea." Kurt said.

"Yeah!" -Rachel.

"Nay." I said.

"That's what horses do. Moulin Rouge it is." she replied.



"Well what about Brody's vote?" Or do drug dealers not get votes?" Santana asked. Oh no, here we go again.

"Okay, he's not a drug dealer. Please. Okay? it's snowing outside. He's probably just stranded somewhere. Do you want me to call him?" Rachel asked. We all nodded.

"Okay. I'll prove it to you." she picked up the phone and started dialing, then we waited.

"Hey Rach." his voice came out through speaker phone.

"Hey babe. Where are you?" she asked.

"Aw, the bridges are closed -- I'm stuck as my friend's house in Manhattan." he replied, meanwhile, Santana inhaled her sleeve deeply, giving us the idea she was snorting cocaine. I snickered, obviously. Hey, it was funny.

"You remember Leo, right?" he asked. I decided to join in the fun and put two fingers to my lips like I was smoking. I love Rachel dearly, but sometimes it's fun just to piss her off. Hey, even Kurt was trying not to laugh.

"Well, I miss you. We're in the middle of watching Moulin Rouge and so we're getting to the part where Ewan MsGregor cries." she said after shooting us dirty looks. I gagged and pretended to throw up, which then earned me another dirty look.

"Love you." I mouthed to her. She just shushed me.

"Is someone dieing over there? I hear a human suffering." Brody asked. Santana and I had to clap our mouthes shut just so we wouldn't laugh.

"No Brody. That's just Reese being...Reese." Rachel replied.

"Right. Hey l-listen, I uh, I got to go. I will be back as soon as I can." he said, then Rachel hung up with simple 'Okay'. The three of us (me, Kurt, and Santana) looked at her like we were impressed.

"There you go. Okay?" she asked, then put the phone down and started stirring the pot. Kurt looked at us and nodded.

"I'm with you guys." he whispered. I reached into my pocket and handed the five bucks I owed Santana for losing the bet. There is so something up with Brody.

Maybe he is a drug dealer?

Reese Lavek ⚥ S. Smythe | ✓ (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now