31~ Naked

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Not long after I came home from my date, I came home to what had to be the most disturbing, crazy, dumbest things I've ever seen. Let me re-cap to this morning...


It was early Monday morning. I was dreading going to school, given that I was still trying to get over the fact that I had started a relationship with a kid whom I've been calling Horrid Hairgel, Twink, Lurch, and many other horrid names for a year and a half now.

I pulled myself out of bed, going into the bathroom to wash up for school. I put on make up, combed my hair, and was about to brush my teeth, except the toothpaste tube that I usually use was empty. I had a hunch that Kurt had to be the culprit, since Rachel didn't like my choice of toothpaste; honestly, I don't have the effort to explain why.

"Kurt!" I walked into the kitchen, waiting to find Kurt at the table, eating his cornflakes as per usual every Monday morning.

"Kurt, when I'm gone for a week, that doesn't give you props to use my toothpaste. I don't care that it tastes better than yours and you can't wait for yours to run out. Don't use my toothpaste because it rubs against your toothbrush and I don't know what sort of crap that brush has been shucking out of your teeth and... woah!" I had to stop short when I saw something I never thought I would never, ever see.

Brody Whatever-the-hell-his-last-name-is... bare-ass naked.

"Good morning," Rachel strutted right past me, not acknowledging my frozen stance, and gave her boyfriend a kiss as he poured himself cereal.

"Good morning is totally wrong." I gasped. I wasn't the only one in stunned, Kurt looked about ready to throw his spoon at her. And Rachel definitely noticed.

"What?" she asked him.

"Your boyfriend's bare ass is on one of my vintage flee market chairs." Kurt told her.

"Hey, I'm not ashamed of my body." Brody said, "And I want to show Rachel that I support her choice completely." that put up a red flag for me.

"What choice?" I asked tentatively.

"I was cast in a student art film and I'm gonna be doing a topless scene in it," what?

"No, you're not!" Kurt gasped.

"Yeah -- no! You are definetely not!" I exclaimed as I ran over to the table.

"Rachel looks smokin'." Brody said.

"Rachel is a serious actress Brody, she doesn't do nudity." Kurt said.

"Agreed! I'm gone for a week! How could you've lost your mind in a flippin' week!?" I asked her.

"Look, as performers, there's a question that we're all going to have to face." Brody said.

"No, no, no, that's what you can face eight-pack. I'm not letting my bestfriend do a nude scene!" I told him.

"I'm serious, if you wanna win an Oscar, you're gonna have to show your boobs. Kate Winslet, Jennifer Connely, Kathy Bates." he replied.

"Listen up dumb-bell, if I'm gonna win an Oscar, it's gonna be best costume designer five years running, not for showing my girls to the old white men who vote for they choice best actress purely on teeny tiny bodies and almond shaped eyes!" I snapped.

"Reese, calm down." Rachel told me.

"You-you're telling me to calm down? Are you kidding? Rachel, you're boyfriend is basically telling you to be a TV screen hooker! You wanna fling off your top and flash to the world your body? You're nineteen for God sakes!" I told her.

Reese Lavek ⚥ S. Smythe | ✓ (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now