48~ I Will Call the Police

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*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"I'm coming! Geez I only got two hands and two legs!" I shouted form the kitchen

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

I made sure to take a steel bat with me, long story why I got it but one night I came home with my parents and our house and ransacked. Ryan since then bought a steel bat bought and registered a forty five calliber.

When I pryed open the door a crack, I wasn't happy with what I saw.

"Oh, well I'm very sorry. You seem to have the wrong address, this isn't the plastic surgery clinic." I said to Hunter.

"Cute, may I come in?" he asked.

"No, you're not coming in my house. And if you try to force your way in, I'm going to bust your teeth in with my big bat." I replied.

"Oh come Reese, I know you're all talk and no punch. Isn't that right?" he asked.

"Oh really? You obviously don't know about the time I slugged Sebastian so hard that he tumbled down and whimpered like a lost puppy." I replied.

"Oh, that would explain that bruising on his nose that day. Nice punch." he said. I huffed.

"Okay now I got a question for you, how the hell did you find out where I live?" I asked him.

"I had a private detective follow you from F.I.T. Have you ever seen a sketchy man in a long red coat with a black fedora hanging around?" he said.

"What? I thought he was just a pervert." I replied, thinking back to that strange day on the subway.

"Alright listen, my roommates are going to come home soon so say what you want to say, then beat it." I said.

"I'm giving you one more chance to give yourself up and just admit what you're doing, then I'll leave you alone." he said.

"What? Oh that's right! I admit to exploiting kids for child pornography. Yeah." I joked.

"That isn't funny. Why can't you just admit that your Sebastian's beard?" he asked. I was just about ready to take my bat and bash his head in with it.

"What did you just call me? And choose your next very carefully." I said.

"I said, that you are nothing to Sebatian, but a cover for his homosexuality so he won't be judged among his peers back in Ohio." he replied. I sighed and slid the door open wider.

"Oh, you going to let me in now?" he asked. I didn't answer, I just threw my foot into his crotch, and then shoved my elbow in between his shoulder blades. He fell to his knees, groaning.

"Just wanted a little leg room. I'm warning you Plastic, you come back and harrass me about these alleged dating rumors between me and Sebastian, I will call the police on you. I don't want you in my buidling, let alone my apartment." I said.

"You can't intimidate me like this Reese, I can charge you with assault." he groaned.

"While I'll be adding an eye hole to the door so we can see whose coming and going, while giving the doorman your picture to but on the Banned List so he knows not to let you in." I replied. Hunter finally recovered and stood up, just to hear me say my final words to him.

"Get out of my apartment building Clarington, before I call the cops."


Later that day, I hadn't told Kurt nor Santana about Hunter's visit, and I wasn't planning to anytime soon. See, there are some things I choose to keep to myself out of the fact that it's my business and nobody needs to get involved.

Kurt, Santana and I were watching some TV show called The Facts of Life or something like that. I wasn't really paying attention. You know, at first I was all excited about coming back to Lima and seeing Sebastian, but now...I'm just not looking forward to it. Hunter's not finished with me yet, that is for sure, and he's not going to stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. Classis Rich Boy Sociopath.


"Hm? What? Sorry?" I asked.

"Come on Reese, you're not even paying attention to the show or wearing your boyfriend pillow." Kurt said.

"Sorry, I just got stuff on my mind. And sorry that I don't want to snuggle up with my...boyfriend who only has half of a chest?" I replied.

"What're you thinking about? How long can you make a wedding dress train go? I think Princess Diana won that race by like what? Fifty feet?" Santana asked.

"I like it was more like fifteen." Kurt replied. Just in time to save me from the wretched conversation. Rachel walked in.

"Hey, you alright? What happened with you and the Plastic Psycho?" I asked.

"We uh-we had a pretty mature and honest conversation. You know we decided that we're obviously going to be professional, because we're going to see each other all the time and be in each other's lives because we go to the same school. But um...but yeah...it's over. For real." she said. And execute sigh of relief...go.

"You know what? About damn time too. I wasn't Plastic Man's biggest fan either if we're being honest." Santana said.

"And you know Reese, I really have to thank you. You were right about him, you were just trying to look out for me and I totally ignored that." she said, "Because you dind't give up and you were really trying to help me see the fool I was, and-and I appreciate it. And getting Finn to come and defend my honor, I know that was definetely you." I smiled at that one. I am a sneaky bitch.

"So...I swear I will never doubt your Foster Psychic Third Eye ever again." she added. I just laughed and tapped my forehead, like there was a hidden eye there or somehting. Kurt reached out and patted her knee.

"Why the long face? You've got a hot boyfriend pillow in there names Collin." he asked. Okay, not going to lie, that made me laugh.

"Collin?" Santana asked.

"What? I named him Collin after the non-threatening boy in The Secret Garden 'cause I know you love that." he replied. Rachel just smiled sheepishly.

"Come on darlin', he's not worth the heartache. Don't be sad." I said to her.

"I'm not. I'm good I...I feel...ready. You know? I-I-I'm ready for my Funny Girl audition and to maybe start seeing other guys." she sang that last part, which made Kurt quirk his eyebrows.

"I am definetely ready for a new and permanent roommate." she looked to Santana, who waved her girlfriend pillow's hand in Rachel's direction. And honestly, if worse comes to worse, we may get another roommate joining us. You all know who I'm talking about. 

"But...I'm only going to use the pity card just for a second, since I am the one who is heartbroken and going through a break-up and found out that my boyfriend was some weirdo man-whore-"

"You're welcome, FYI!" I cut in.

"I'm going to get to pick the movie tonight. Okay?" she asked us. No one seemed to have a problem with it. "And I think we should pick...the best guilty pleasure movie musical ever..." she picked up Mamma Mia.


"Love it."

"Why not?"

Rachel stuck the DVD in the DVR and started loading the movie.

"Hey you know Reese, through all of this, you haven't told us what your guilty pleasure is." Santana said.

"Hey yeah. What is it? Chocolate?" Kurt asked.

"Beating people up?" -Rachel.

"Logan Lerman naked on a white sand beach?"-Santana

"No, no, I would love that but no. Let me show you." I stood up and went to the fridge, pulled out the can of whip cream, and then sprayed some in my wide open mouth. That is pleasure.

"Oh yes, nothing better than a shot of whip cream to the larynx." I said through a mouth full of froth. The other three just laughed at me, but also urging me to bring the whip cream can, chocolate, and chips.

"I'm a waitress in my own home..."

Reese Lavek ⚥ S. Smythe | ✓ (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now