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"I'm about to head to my spot, y'all think y'all can watch Lyric for a minute?" I asked Dijah and Trey.

Now that I am reunited with my little sister I have two girls to protect, I made a promise that I was gonna protect Dijah ever since our parents died but I wasn't able to fulfill that promise. But nothing will stop me and get in my way now, I'm never losing her again and that's merch.

"Well I was about to head to my spot too, you know to talk to the guys about our collaboration." Trey said grabbing his keys.

"Dijah?" I looked to her hopefully.

"Are y'all serious, or you fucking with me? Yea I think you fucking with me!" Dijah yelled in all seriousness.

"People are watching me and leaving notes around the house and texting me and shit and you want me and Lyric to stay here alone?!"

While Trey and I watched and listened to her rant, I began to laugh a little because she acts just like our mom used to, when we didn't do our chores or came home late.

"What the hell is funny?" Dijah asked tilting her head a little looking dead at me.

"You must've forgot whose the oldest D. And you know we wouldn't leave you here alone. We have guards surrounding the house, they been here since this morning."

"That's right, ain't nothing leaving or coming in without a proper run down." Trey chimed in.

"Okay, I guess. But how long will you guys be gone, we don't wanna stay in all day."

"3 hours tops D." I said hugging her and kissing my baby. "And when we get back how about we all go out for dinner?"

"Fine. THREE hours." Khadijah said emphasizing on the three.

Trey and I walked out of the house, got in our cars and drove off.


I pulled into the driveway of my warehouse where all of my workers were and I hopped out. At the door I was greeted by my guards Chris and Zip. They hold down the spot in any situation and keeps me posted on who comes by or any suspicious activity.

I walked in and as I expected everyone was working.

"Hey boss man." Tiara, one of my money counting girls, flirtatiously greeted me. I gave her a head nod as I made my way to the back where Ced, Raymond, and Mark were.

"What's up T." Ced spoke as I dapped up with each of them.

"It's a lot of shit goin' on man, I need to have a meeting with everybody right now."

"I'm on it." Mark said as he walked out the room. That's why Ced, Mark, and Raymond are my right hand men, they don't ask questions when something needs to be done, they get right on it and do what they gotta do.

"Aye meeting in A block! 2 minuntes!" Mark yelled throughout the warehouse making everything stop. A block is our 'this means business' room. We hold all of our meetings in there that requires everyone to be involved.
After about a minute and a half, everyone was gathered in A block ready and attentive.

"Make sure that's everybody Scope." Scope is my lookout man and also the one that keeps me updated on information, he knows the ins and outs of everything he's one of the few that's close to me.

"It's clear T." He raised his thumb as he shut the doors to the A block room.

"I need all eyes on me and every ear tuned to what I'm about to say. We got big problems, somebody been watchin' my house and sending threats to Khadijah. Now I don't know who it is or even have a clue, but that's what I got all y'all for. I watched my security cameras and some niggas was attempting to get in my house. Now what they're after is Khadijah, I don't like when motherfuckers mess with what's mine, and I want them dead. So Scope, I need your eyes and ears to the streets, Mark I need you Ced and Raymond circling the block and watchin' any and everybody. And everybody else be ready for war." I received a bunch of head nods and okays from everyone.

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