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Everyone sat in the waiting room...waiting. Wondering and waiting. There were no words being spoken and no happiness. We had been here in this very same spot, going on 4 hours now and I was growing restless.

Tez had showed up along with the rest of the guys, and he brought Lyric. No one told Lyric that her daddy got shot, but they told her that he was sick.

Trey walked over to a crying Khadijah and consoled her, he rubbed her back and pulled her to him.

"Everything is gonna be ight." He said as he hugged her.

"Mo, you want some to eat, or drink." Mark asked me.

I quickly shook my head 'no' and kept praying. That's all I could really do at this point. I've never been the praying type, but I believed in God, and I know what he can do. I also know that he won't put more on me than I can bear. And I know for a fact I can't bear losing Korie.

"Family of Korie Watts?"

Everyone hesitantly looked around before walking up to the nurse that stood at the doors.

"That's us." Trey spoke still holding onto Khadijah.

She looked around at all of us before speaking.

"I-I'm very sorry to have to tell you this but, he didn't make it."

Khadijah fell to the floor and burst into tears. I looked around at everyone and then my eyes landed on Lyric. She walked over to Khadijah and rubbed her back.

"Don't cwy TT D." She said in the sweetest voice.

My lip began trembling and the tears just came spewing out.

"He can't be gone!" I yelled at the nurse.

"I'm so sorry, we tried our hardest to keep him with us but, the bullet that went through his stomach punctured a major organ and caused a lot of internal bleeding. Our condolences are with you, and I truly do apologize, I know it hurts." She pulled me into a hug and I broke down even more.

"Can I go see him? Please." I sniffed.

"Sure sweetie, follow me."

"You comin' D?" I couldn't even look at her.

"No, I c-can't." She choked.

I followed the nurse down the hall, my feet were dragging and my stomach was in knots.

Lord, why? I prayed to you and you didn't answer my prayers. I know everything happens for a reason, but what was the reason behind you taking the thing I loved the most.

"Here's the room, I'll give you some time sweetie."

I looked down at my feet because I was scared to look through the glass. I couldn't grasp how one minute the person you love is alive and well and the next minute they're gone. How will I explain this to Lyric, how will I move on? I can't.

I slowly looked up and was surprised to see a woman standing over the bed where Korie laid. The woman had her head down and it looked like she was crying. I went to the door to open it and it looked as though I startled the lady. She slowly turned her head towards the door and when she looked at me I noticed it was my mother.

When she realized it was she began smirking and pulled out a large needle.

"Let me in!" I banged on the door.

She stuck the needle into his IV and his eyes shot open, he was trying to speak but no words were coming out. He looked at me with pleading eyes but I couldn't get the door open, the halls grew dark and not a person was in sight. I looked back through the glass and Korie lied there, motionless. Blood started to trickle out of the pores of his skin, everywhere. His arms, his legs, face and neck. His skin started to peel and soon his whole body was covered in blood.

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