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December 24, 2015
(Christmas Eve)


"Do you think he would like this?" I held up a grey adidas sweat suit.

"Maybe the black one." Trinity said as she typed away on her phone.

"Tell Reem you'll see him later at Tez's house, this is sister time and he's taking away from it."

She laughed and put her phone in her purse before walking over to me giving me a hug.

Since it was Christmas Eve, we all decided to spend the night at Tez's house. I was supposed to finish buying presents last week, but I was being lazy, so now I'm stuck last minute shopping.

"I don't know why you're getting more stuff, Trey already has a million gifts under you guys' tree."

"Okay but I have to get him a few things to take to Tez's house to open in the morning." I debated.

"You could've taken a few things from under your tree smarty."

I stopped in the middle of the store and thought about it, and she was absolutely right.

"Pregnancy brain." I tossed the sweat suit back in the rack.

"Nah don't blame my nephews, you just don't think. Pregnancy brain my ass."

I laughed as we made our way out the mall. Everyone else was out getting some last minute things, or at Tez's house cooking for dinner tonight. I was happy to be able to have some family time with everyone around. And by that I mean, including Mo.

She's been very distant over the past week, and I guess it's because Korie has been crashing at our house, but even when I call her she doesn't answer.

"Have you talked to Mo today?" I asked Trinity as we got into the car.

"No, I talked to her about a week ago but that was the last time."

"She hasn't answered any of my phone calls, it's like she's avoiding me." I laid my head back on the seat, happy that Trin volunteered to drive.

"Maybe she thinks you're mad at her for hitting Korie." She suggested.

"I don't care about that, honestly, what goes on in their relationship is strictly between them. Korie is a grown ass man, he can handle that on his own. That is none of my business, I'll gladly sip my tea on that."

"Girl shut up!" She laughed, proceeding to drive as the red light turned green. "You recently hit your fifth month of pregnancy, four more to go, how you feeling?"

"I'm so ready for them to be here, I'm excited because I just can't wrap my head around not only having one baby, but two. Two boys at that. I seriously thought I was having a girl, but it's two boys. Lord what we gon' do with all these men?!"

"At least we know Lyric will be a tough ass girl, all these uncles and male cousins."

I nodded my head in agreement. "You right about that. Mo wants a boy but I guarantee it's a girl."

We made small talk here and there as we made our way to our nail appointment, it was Christmas Eve so there weren't many nail shops open, but I recently found a nail tech by my house that does a damn good job and she was able to book us for today.

We pulled up to her house, parked, and made our way inside.

"Hey, Keisha!" I hugged her as she handed us bottles of water.

"Hey ladies, I see the belly is out there mama! When is the baby shower?"

"We're not gonna have one, my baby daddy doesn't want people buying things for the boys. You know how that goes." I rolled my eyes and sat down at her work station.

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