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"Baby!" I yelled from downstairs as Lyric and I finished making breakfast.

A few minutes later Mo came down rubbing her eyes and yawning. It was going on ten o'clock in the morning and she's usually up by now, but we were out late last night at the gender reveal.

I can't believe I'm having another baby, and by Monique. When she told me she could never have kids it hurt me, knowing the woman you love can't ever have your baby, I spent so many late nights thinking about it and wondering why such a tragedy had to happen to her. But now I'm blessed to have not only a baby on the way, but two nephews. Life can't get any better right now.

"Good morning my love bug." She kissed Lyric's cheek making her giggle. "Good morning boo bear." She gently kissed my lips.

I pushed her plate to her as she sat down at the island, bowing her head to pray.

"How did you sleep?" I asked shoving some grits in my mouth.

"My back was killing me, we need a new bed Korie, that one is not suiting us well."

"Speaking of new bed, I was thinking we just get a whole new house all together."

Since Mo's house got blown up, she's been staying with me. The topic of officially getting our own place together never came up, but since she's pregnant now it's only right we expand our space.

"Are you sure?"

I scrunched my face up and tilted my head sideways.

"What you mean am I sure? Why wouldn't I be, we basically live together now anyway. And you're pregnant with my child, of course I'm sure." I looked at her like she was crazy.

She poked around at the food on her plate in silence.

"Come with me upstairs real quick." I got up and grabbed her hand pulling her up too. "Lyric we'll be back, finish up your breakfast."

When we made it upstairs to the room, I closed the door and went to sit down on the bed, patting the spot next to me so she could sit.

"Tell me what's wrong, and I want the truth, don't gimme no bullshit Monique."

She played with her hands looking at the ground.

"I'm scared." She finally said.


"I know how excited you are, we are, about this baby. But the doctors did tell me I would never be able to carry again, I'm scared I'll lose this one. And then you're talking about getting a new house and everything, I just don't wanna mess this up." Tears escaped her eyes as she continued to look at the ground.

I grabbed her hands and kissed each one of them.

"Baby, don't talk like that. You got this, what God says, will be. He gave you this baby for a reason, and I'm here with you every step of the way. I know it seems unreal because I'm still having a hard time processing it. But worrying and stressing is the last thing you need to be doing. Didn't you say you were almost three months?"

She nodded her head.

"Isn't that the first trimester, safe from miscarrying?"

"It's not absolutely safe, the chances of having one just decreases. But Dr. Chan told me, I still have to be careful because I could possibly have a stillbirth."

"Stillbirth?" I questioned looking in her eyes for clarification.

"If the baby survives the first twenty-eight weeks, but dies after that in the womb, I would have to have the baby like a normal procedure but, I'd be giving birth to a dead baby." She explained.

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