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It was now going on 9 p.m. here in Hawaii, so Khadijah and I decided to head to our master suit.

"All of my stuff is in the room I thought was mine."

"Nah I moved it while you and Trin was out here gettin' y'all hula on." I laughed and she punched my arm.

"I still can't believe you did all this for me." She blushed and looked away.

I stopped in my tracks and pulled her to me.

"Baby I'd give you the world if you let me, you just mean so much to me. I ain't never felt like this about no other female you truly got me locked in forever cause ain't nobody got shit on you. I'm able to tell everybody I got the best girl in the world. Scratch that," I pulled her face to mine, "the best fiancé in the world." And I ended with a kiss.

"Awwww," her eyes teared up and she quickly wiped them away, "I really love you pooda."

I tilted my head to the side. "Pooda? Don't call me that baby."

"Why? I like it, it fits you." She smirked.

"Ight well I'll think of a name for you." I put my finger to my chin thinking of a name. "Booty."

"What?" She laughed.

"Booty, cause you got a lot of it." I grabbed her hand and spun her around.

"Oh my goodness!" I took off running and she chased after me all the way to the hotel, through the halls, and to the room.

Once we got to the room, and I unlocked the door, I tried to hurry up and close the door before she got there.

"Ahhh!" She yelled from the other side.

I wasn't goin' for it until I heard her crying.

"Baby!" I swung the door open and she was right there with a grin on her face.

"Gotcha!" She ran and jumped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

I closed the door and walked us to the bed, gently laying her on it. I looked down at her like she was a full course meal, and I hadn't eaten in days. She laid on the bed lookin' up at me with love and lust in her eyes.

"You love me?" She smirked and bit her bottom lip.

"Mhm." I leaned down on the bed so I could be face to face with her.

"Hmm, how much?" She pulled on the collar of my dress shirt and kissed my lips.

"I can show you better than I can tell you." I started unbuttoning my shirt.

She started to pull her clothes off but I quickly put a stop to it.

"Uh-uh, imma take care of that, you just relax." I slid the shirt off my body and took my pants off leaving me in nothing but my black boxers.

I climbed on the bed and on top of her making her quiver. I could tell she really wanted what I was about to put down, but I wasn't gone rush it. Imma give it to her long and slow, somethin' she'll remember for a long time.

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