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One month later...
December 13, 2015
Trey's birthday


"D, chill out. Let me help you with all of this." Caymen grabbed all of the brand new game systems out of my hands that I just bought from Best Buy.

I was currently in the middle of setting everything up for Trey's birthday. I had rented out a huge lounge and bar that was connected just for him and the family. The lounge had a lot of space, five gigantic screens, I got food catered and everything, and of course it was a surprise.

I bought five brand new game systems, fifteen controllers, and a bunch of games so all the guys can play on the big screens or do whatever they wanted.

"Sis, this shit is fire, I ain't even gone fake it." Tez announced as he ate a chicken wing.

"I tried to do something I think he'd enjoy, instead of the modern day going out to dinner, hopefully he likes it." I clasped my hands together.

"He gone love it." Antoine chimed in, plopping down on one of the many couches.

I looked at Twan and did a double take because he was supposed to had been left to make sure Trey was getting ready.

"Twan! Why are you still here? You're supposed to be at my house!" I lifted my arms and slapped them down against my thighs.

"Chill sis, I had to take a shit!" He raised his hands in defense.


"Im gone." He jumped up and ran for the door.

"Party in the house! Whoop whoop!" Mo came in chanting, holding a big box.

"Hey!" I ran over to kiss her cheek. "What's this?" I pointed to the box.

"It's a cake that Korie insisted we have. It's like five layers of buttercream frosting and marble cake."

"Go sneak and cut me a piece." I whispered.

She nodded her head and laughed as she walked towards Tez and Caymen.

"Hey brother." I greeted as he walked in holding Lyric and a bunch of gift bags. "Ooooh Gucci? I can't wait for my birthday." I teased.

"Whatever man, most of this shit from Mo ass anyway." He leaned down placing a kiss on my cheek, while balancing a sleeping Lyric in his left arm.

"You can go lay her on the couch over there, it's a pillow and a blanket over there."

He looked at me as if I was weird, but I didn't care, I fall asleep at any given moment so I had to be prepared. Period.

I watched him walk away and gently lay Lyric on the couch. He propped her head up on the pillow and covered her with the blanket before kissing her cheek.

I smiled at the sight because he was such a great dad. At times I saw a lot of our dad in him, of course before the alcohol consumed his life.

"You hear me?"

I snapped out of my trance and turned around to see Mo holding my slice of cake.

I grinned and did a happy dance as I slipped the cake from her hands, she broke her off a piece and quickly ate it.

I mugged her before taking a big bite out of my piece and basically having a foodgasm.

"You wanna have a sleepover tomorrow?"

"Your place or mine?" I asked with a mouth full of cake.

"Actually, I was thinking a hotel. Me, you, Trin, and my baby Lyric. We need a break from all these negroes." She looked around as we both laughed.

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