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*2 months later*
March 12, 2016

"So you haven't talked to Korie since the middle of January?"

"Well, yeah I've talked to him, he drops Lyric off, and he checks on the baby, and he goes to the baby's appointments." She said scrolling down Instagram. "But we haven't been together since the middle of January."

"Why didn't you tell me? I thought you guys were fine." I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"I didn't wanna put our business out there, plus I thought we'd be back together by now. But he hasn't even brought up anything about getting back together or working things out. The baby will be here soon and I just-" She sobbed into her hands and leaned against the arm of the couch.

I slowly and carefully got out of the love seat and wobbled over to her. I placed my hand on her back and rubbed in circular motions.

"It's gonna be okay bestie," I hugged her, "you know I always got you, no matter what's goin' on with you and Korie. That's my nephew in there, and I got him just like I got you."

"He brought it up to me that Tasha told him I was working with Carmen. I was so upset at him for believing her, that I went to a hotel for a couple of days and completely ignored him. When I came back it was a note on the table saying he was leaving, and me reacting the way I did let him know that I was guilty. But I swear on my life I'd never do anything like that, and for him to even think that was the slightest bit of the truth, makes me wonder if it's even worth it."

"Calm down, it's okay. I know, and Korie knows as well. Just give it all some time." I reassured her.

She nodded her head as she wiped her face, calming down. I couldn't stand seeing her like this, and I especially didn't want her stressing out because it's unhealthy for the baby. When she leaves here I'm definitely calling Korie over because he hasn't came by in forever, but he calls every once in a while, never mentioning to me that he and Mo had been broken up.

"Sorry about that," she took in a deep breath, "so how excited are you? The boys are coming any minute now." She smiled and placed her hand on my giant belly.

"I'm so ready! This is only the eighth month though, but I definitely think they'll be coming earlier than expected. The doctor said they're really developed. They're gonna be tall for sure." I smiled just thinking about my babies.

"So amazing." She poked her bottom lip out and placed a hand over her heart. "I only have three months to gooo." She danced around in her seat.

"Damn, you are six months! I forgot you were so close behind me, that's so crazy, me and my bestie pregnant at the same time. I love you, bitch."

She started to fake cry, "I love you too, hoe."


Mo had left a little while ago, and I'm just waking up from my nap. I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand and checked the time.

"It's almost four o'clock in the afternoon?" I yawned and looked to the other side of the bed, seeing Trey sleeping with his arm over his eyes.

I must've been really tired because I didn't hear him coming in from the gym, and I definitely didn't feel him climbing into bed.

I swung my feet to the other side of the bed and stretched, while yawning again in the process.

"Ouch!" I whisper-yelled after stubbing my toe on my vanity chair.

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