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Surprise at the end of the chapter, in the author's notes.

~UG 😘


"Are you coming with me?" I slid into my black high waist jeans.

"Nah baby, I got some stuff to handle. Unless you absolutely need me to come." He came out of the bathroom.

"I mean I don't need you to come, but I thought you wanted to find out some things just like I did."

"No I think you doing this alone would be good. Get you some closure with frog face." I laughed at the name he gave Marlene and shook my head.

It was true, I did need to get closure with her, and come to terms with how she and her filthy ass husband destroyed my life.

"K, I'm about to go then. I'll be home by 8."

"Gimme a kiss," He towered over me and puckered his lips out.

I pecked his lips and turned to leave.

"Nope," He said folding his arms.


"Nope, that wasn't good enough. You need to kiss me like you'll neva' see me again."

He began singing the lyrics to Alicia Keys Like You'll Never See Me Again.

"Okay," I giggled "stop, please. Alicia would not be pleased with your rendition of that song."

He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me, and for a second I almost said fuck Marlene I'm about to stay here with my man.

"Ight, now get out." He turned me around and slapped my ass.

I flicked him off and ran down the steps and out the door.

I got into my car, turned the music up and pulled off for this 45 minute drive.



"Hi, I'm here to see Marlene White." I said to the receptionist who was on her phone and not paying me any attention.

She pointed to the sign in sheet, never breaking her gaze from her phone. I reached for the pen and signed my name, date, and the time I came in. Then on the other line, I wrote the name of who I was coming to see and the relationship I have with them.


"Could you tell me what room she's in."

"Oh my-," she slammed her phone on the desk and huffed, "who are you lookin' for."

"Ma'am you givin' me a little too much attitude for this to be yo job. I already told you who I was here to see, I already signed the damn paper, and I'm about two seconds from slappin' that gum, that you chewin' a lil too hard on, out ya mouth. Now you better figure out who I'm comin' to see, and do it fast."

She looked at me like she didn't understand English.


"Please, you're makin' a scene." She grabbed the clip board to see whose name I put to come see.

"I don't give a fuck."

"Hall C, room 14." She said quickly, handing me a visitor's pass.

I snatched it from her and and kept walking to find hall C. Once I found it, I searched for room 14.

As I stood at the door, I thought about turning around and just leaving the situation alone. It was the past and that's where I should leave it. Right?

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