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Book won't be deleted, by popular demand. But y'all will start getting MUTED. Just enjoy the book.

End of discussion.


"So, Miguel, how far is the hospital from here?"

Nothing. Nothing is what he replied with, and for a second I thought maybe he was just focusing on the road. But then I remembered that he doesn't speak English.

"This is so stupid, Mo when you wake up I'm gonna kick your ass up and down the streets of Cancun." I whispered in her ear.

I knew by now everyone was looking for us and they were all pissed off, and I knew they were even more pissed that neither one of us had our phone on us.

I looked out the window and it looked like we were headed in the wrong direction. I know I'm in a place that I know nothing about but just about anyone knows, if you don't see a lot of stores and businesses around, you're headed away from the town.

"Que hospital?"

"Will you shut the fuck up?!" He hit the wheel and sped up the car.

I was taken aback by the fact that he just snapped on me but not only that, did this man just speak English?

"Excuse me? You want me to shut the fuck up but meanwhile my sister is back here slumped! You need to make yo way to a hospital now!"

He cut the wheel and roughly pulled over to the side of the road, pumping on the breaks.

He put the car in park and swung his door open, hopping out.

In this moment it's like my body was moving faster than my mind, I saw the keys in the ignition, but I also saw Miguel swiftly coming to my side of the car. Just as he was about to grab the door handle I hurriedly locked the door. I jumped up and locked the passenger door also and quickly climbed over to the front seat. By now he had made his way back around but I switched the gear to drive and pulled off and he hung on to the open door.

Horns from different cars sounded as I swerved from left to right trying to knock him off. I reached out to grab the door and I pulled it shut, making his hand slip from the door. I looked out the rear view mirror and saw him rolling in the dust, my chest heaved up and down as I searched for a gas station or any type of store.

Spotting some type of convenience store, I swerved into the right lane and made a turn. There were a few cars there and some people roaming around outside.

"Does anyone have a phone?" I asked jumping out of the car.

People looked at me and turned away, and some didn't even acknowledge me.

I went into the store where an older man and a young lady sat behind the counter.

"Hi, does either of you have a phone I can use by chance?" I folded my hands on top of the counter.

The old man looked from me to the girl and back to me.

The young girl huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Quiere saber si tienes un teléfono que pueda usar." (She wants to know if you have a phone she can use.)

"Oh, no teléfono." He shook his head and pointed out the door. "Hay un teléfono público en la calle."

"He said he doesn't have a phone, but there is a pay phone down the street." The girl translated and chewed on her gum.

"I don't have my purse or anything on me, it's an emergency."

The girl looked at me unmoved and shrugged her shoulders.

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