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"This is definitely not my style. I mean it's cute and all, but, it ain't me." I held up a yellow halter dress that fit perfectly to every curve.

I was currently out shopping with Monique and Khadijah and to say I was exhausted was an understatement. I've recently been trying to get back in school since I stopped going a while ago due to that dumb ass professor I had. I've been taking a few online courses, and since we went out of town, on top of all the madness that's been going on, I've fell way behind on my work.

"You don't like anything we pick out for you Trinity. Your style is wiggity wack." Dijah joked.

"I'm sorry my taste in fashion is different from yours, I'll try to do better." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Someone needs some dick." Mo said quietly while rummaging through the clothes rack.

"Why is it that when a woman is upset or not having a good day, it just has to be because she needs some dick?" I placed my hand on my hip.

Mo and Dijah shared a look before breaking out into laughter, making me roll my eyes and flick them off.

I walked away and went to the back of the store sifting through their poor selection of jeans.

While making my way around the rack I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry." I quickly looked up to see a fine chocolate man that stood at about 5'10.

"Nah you good, that was my fault." He smiled and licked over his bottom lip.

I gave a quick smile as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and walked off.

"You ready?" I asked Mo.

"Yeah, Korie keeps texting me, he wants me to come home. He said I've been gone way too long." She rolled her eyes and made her way to the check out lane.

"We've been gone for two hours." I laughed while shaking my head.

I loved Korie and Mo's relationship, but I couldn't see myself being all over somebody and in love, it just wasn't me.

Once she was done paying for her things, we began walking out of the store.

"Wait, where is D?" I asked turning to look in the store.

"Her fat pregnant ass went to the food court. You know she has to eat every fifteen minutes." We laughed and headed to find Dijah.

"Ooohh! I'm telling!" I sang like a little kid.

Dijah was in line at Panda Express talking to some guy, they were laughing and looked like they were having a good ole time.

"Who is that anyway?"

"I don't know girl, but I'm about to take a picture and send it to Trey." I smirked.

"And why would you go and do something like that?"

"Because she offended me earlier when she said my style was wack." I laughed.

"Correction, I believe she said it was wiggity wack." Mo held her finger in the air matter of factly making us both burst into a laughing fit.

I quickly snapped the picture of Khadijah talking to the random guy, but I decided not to send it to Trey. I remembered that she had logged into her Instagram on my phone recently, so I just posted it on her page.

I showed Mo what I had done and she simply shook her head and looked at me in disappointment.

"You should know better Trin," she looked at me and rolled her eyes, "you gotta put a caption that says something like, don't give your friends your phone when you're with your side nigga."

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