Left Notes (Chapter 44)

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----Kits POV -----

"You disgust me!" Harry yelled.

It was starting again!

"At least I am a good father to my daughter" Louis shot back.

"Your daughter?! Legally the only person who can call her their daughter is Kit. Plus I am way better father material" Harry growled.

"Yeah and I am an amazing astronaut" Louis laughed.

"Huh?" Harry questioned giving Lou a confused look.

"Sorry, did I confuse you? We all know you have the IQ of a chair but I thought we were listing our best lies" Louis smirked evilly.

"Well you are incapable of supporting a child" Harry hissed.

"Harold, I have the same job and income as you" Louis smiled at his great comeback.

This is the third fight those two have had this week and it is only Tuesday. I promised myself the first time that the next time I would leave and take my daughter with me. Then last time I said I would next time, now I am going to stick to my word. The boys are downstairs and I am up in my room with Soph. I picked up my phone from my bedside table and dialled the familiar number of my best friend from outside the band. Max.

"Hey Kitty Kat" He answered.

"Hi" I whimpered into the phone, tears were streaming down my face already and I haven’t even told him yet.

"What’s wrong?" his voice holding concern.

"Can Soph and I come stay for a little while? I will explain when I get there." I asked through my tears trying to keep quiet because Niall was next door playing his guitar.

"Of course, we have a spare cot from when Ruby was a baby"

"Great be there in a couple hours" I said trying to sound happy.

I grabbed Soph's nappy bag and dumped it on my bed. Then I went to my wardrobe pulling out a country road bag that Rae bought me a few years ago. I filled it with clothes and toiletries. I then picked up a backpack filling it with Sophie’s clothes and her things. I grabbed a piece of paper off my desk and wrote a quick note to the boys.


I know this seems stupid but I can’t stay anymore. I have loved living with you over the past few months you have been amazing to me. I have loved every second. Zayn, thank you for everything you have done for me and I will miss you so much, all the memories we share I will cherish forever. Harry, I am so glad I know you, I will miss you too mostly your cooking. Niall, I know we have had our ups and downs but I am glad we dated because now I have so many memories I wouldn’t trade them for the world! Li-Li, where do I start, I love you so much thank you for caring for me. I will catch up with you when I can, I love you big brother. Finally Louis, I'm so sorry what I have put you through. I think I will miss you the most except for Liam. I really wish we had given our relationship another go but I know it doesn’t seem quite possible at the moment with everything that is going on. I really do love you Louis and I hope one day you will find a girl that you love as much as I love you.

Boys I am sorry for leaving like this but I am taking Sophie with me. She can’t grow up in a household like this. You boys have entire careers ahead of you filled with fun, new albums, concerts, tours, rehearsals, interviews and relationships, I don’t think it is such a good idea to have her in the house throughout this. Even now she is causing arguments between you also I know that it is best for her and I to leave. I won’t keep you from her life, you can visit her whenever you want.

I love you all so much

Kit and Sophie xxxx

The page was stained with tears, the ones filed with pain and sadness. I hid the letter in my favourite pillow knowing that they would only find it if they cared enough to try. Suddenly I heard two doors slam. That was Harry and Louis with their dramatic exits from their fight. Now would be the time to leave then considering Liam and Zayn are out with Dani and a girl from a band that was on xfactor recently. Niall was next door because I could hear his guitar and his soft singing. I grabbed all the bags and took them down to the curb. I took my phone out of my pocket and called a taxi. He said there was a taxi dropping off around the corner soon so they would be five minutes at most. I went to the van and took out Sophie's car seat. I left the bags on the curb and rushed up to grab Soph. I wrapped her in her blanket from her cot and brought her outside. She was still asleep. I sat on the curbs edge holding my daughter, within minutes the taxi showed up. He set up the car seat for me and I placed the bags in the back one by one because I was holding Sophie in one arm.

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