Cali Baby! (Chapter 61)

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----Kit's POV----

"KIT! KIT KIT KIT KIT!" Zayn yelled as he rushed down stairs to me.

"Yes Zaynie poo's" I giggled.

"Guess who is going to Cali for two months?" He beamed.

"Who? Wait wait, you" I laughed.

"Yep, and you and Charlotte, and the boys and Sophie" He smiled uncontrollably.

"Did you tell her Zayn?" A voice yelled from upstairs.

"Umm No" he said guiltily.

"You so did!"Niall dobbed the Bradford boy in.

"Zayn!" Liam growled from his room.

"Sorry, I was just so excited."

"We all are, doesn't mean we are going wreck the surprise."

"Im sorry" Zayn whined.

"It's ok, I hate surprises anyway" I confessed hugging his side.

"Pack up your stuff babe, we leave tonight!" Zayn smirked.

I jumped off the couch and into the room I now share with Louis considering my eldest daughter took my bedroom. I saw a suitcase sitting on our bed and half was filled with Louis' clothing. I decided we would share and I would give my suitcase to the girls to share. I shoved all my toilets, clothes and other things I would need into the bag.

"I see you helped yourself to my suitcase" Louis' sexy voice spoke from the door.

"Well I thought maybe I could share, unless your big popstar head has gotten so massive you can't share a suitcase with your amazingly amazing girlfriend." I giggled.

"Oh I can share I just don't know if my gorgeous girlfriend can especially considering the amount of clothing she owns"

"Awkward because you own more clothes than I do" I laughed.

"You take that back" he smirked.

"Nope" I smiled cheekily.

He smashed his lips to mine and kissed me.

"Now you have taken it back"

I kissed him lightly.

"Now you have taken it back" I giggled.

He kissed me again a little more forcefully than I had kissed him.

"Now you have"

I pecked his lips.

"Now you have" I smiled.

"Someone shut them up!" Harry groaned.

"I think it's sweet" Carly's light voice sang happily.

"Shut up Curly" Harry shot back at Carly.

"You are curly too so that didn't really work" Carly giggled like a little girl.

"Well I'm the kids godfather." Harry shot back.

"I'm their godmother" I could picture the smirk sat on Carly's face.

"Shoot we have got to pack for the girls" I squealed, pulling myself out of Louis' arms.

"Don't worry Kit I packed for them" Liam beamed from the doorframe.

"See Liam should be the godfather because he is too amazing to just be an uncle!" I said loudly so that Harry and Carly would hear.

"Shut it Christiana!" Carly yelled.

"Are we ready to leave my Britishmen, oh and women" Niall said awkwardly.

"Wait two seconds" Louis yelled back downstairs.

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled my hips to his. He kissed me passionately his lips moving perfectly in sync with mine. My handed finding their way to his perfect hair, messing it up within seconds. His hands moved up and down my sides and his tongue glided along my bottom lip asking for entrance, I decided to grant it to him. We kissed and then we both pulled away.

"Ready!" we called simultaneously which lead us to laugh..... alot.

Louis zipped our case shut and we walked downstairs together, Charlotte and Carly stood by the couch together and Harry stood by the door with Sophie asleep in his arms.

"Mumma?" Charlotte called.

"Yes baby" I replied.

"Are we going on a leroplane?" She asked in her adorable baby voice.

"Yes gorgeous" I answered smiling at her.

"Come on Lottie" Louis called to Charlotte as he headed for the door.

Charlotte ran to Louis and grabbed onto his spare hand. I followed them out with Carly grabbing the girls and my own coats on the way out. Liam, Dani, Niall and Zayn were already sat in the van, Liam had already put the girls' suitcase in the back of the van.

"Let's go kiddies" Harry chuckled as he passed Sophie to Liam who put her in her car seat.

We all piled into the van and were on our way in a matter of minutes. The chatter was loud but the singing was louder in the van. Charlotte was obviously shown One direction songs because she was singing her heart out all the way to the airport.


We were all sat on the plane, Me and Louis were together, in the centre was Harry with Sophie on his lap then Carly, after her was Charlotte who was sat next to zayn with Niall on the end. Dani and Liam were on the other side of the row in the two seater.

"They look like they're hitting it off" Louis smiled at Carly and Harry.

"Yeah, what if they started dating? Oh mi gosh our best friends would be going out!" I squeaked.

"Calm down babe" He chuckled at me.

"Did you hear? Danielle has pretty much finished planning the wedding, it is going to be a month after we get back from California." I beamed, "I can't believe my brother is getting married!"

"One day it will be you"

"You think?"

"I know" he smiled kissing my forehead.

I rested my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes.

"Night beautiful" he whispered as he leant his head on mine.

I slowly drifted to sleep as our plane continued to advance through the night sky towards our destination.



Heyy :D

Sorry it's so short, had a lot going on at the moment and it didn't help that my wifi at home was down. It should be working in a few days and I will post a better and longer chapter then. I am now officially off school for a little while so I should be able to update a little more but I do have other things to do unfortunately. As much as I would love to just write this story all day I cannot :( thank you all so much for my amount of reads, it is crazy and I am so glad to have all of you reading this. It seriously does mean a lot to me. Thank you all for e support and lovely comments. Just started a new story called 'With You' about El Calder's 'younger sister' my friend Chloee will hopefully be co-writing with me, first chapter is up so check it out if you are up for another EllieMadeleine story :D

Don't forget to; VOTE, COMMENT, FAN and all that jazz :)

Ellie xxx

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