One Level (Chapter 66)

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  • Dedicated to Paul, for being there for me through thick and thin without questioning anything

----Kit’s POV----

----Two months later----

I laughed as Christian and I continued through the park, his beanie was flopping to one side looking as if it were about to fall off of head. His green eyes focused as he continued telling his story.

“Then” He laughed trying to gain breath so he could finish, “Then- She fell, she fell all the way down the stairs. He freaked out of course but” He laughed again, “I couldn’t help but think, Karma is a bitch” He laughed even harder.

“Karma is a bitch” I agreed laughing along with him.

“She- She really wasn’t very nice” He laughed.

“I can tell” I smiled up at him.

“Home?” He asked.

“Yep” I grinned, “Coffee first?” I asked.

“Perfect” He smiled.

We walked over to Dan’s coffee shop. Of course it wasn’t Dan’s, he was a student at Uni with us but he worked there, so we just called it Dan’s coffee shop. We walked into the cute little corner café, our presence in the room instantly brought a smile to Dan’s face as he watched us from behind the counter.

“How are you doing this fine afternoon Daniel?” I said in the poshest accent I could.

“Very Pleasant my fair Christiana” He answered mimicking my posh accent.

“Are you mocking me, my dear boy?” I said trying my hardest not to laugh.

“Of course not my dear lady” Dan smirked.

“Shut it you two” Christian laughed, “Can I get two lattes, one with two sugars the other with four”

“Kit, you really gotta cut down on the sugar” Dan laughed.

“I’m working on it! It’s just coffee tastes really bad without all the sugar!”

“Are you insulting my coffee making?” Dan asked faking hurt.

“No, I just don’t like coffee that much” I stated simply.

“Why do you make me spend all my money on it then?” Christian asked.

“Because you offer, it would be rude to turn you down” I smiled up at Christian he just chuckled at me.

Dan walked off and made our lattes returning in record time.

“What time are you off?” Christian asked Dan.

“Twenty minutes” Dan answered.

“You wanna hang out?” Christian questioned.

“Maybe, I gotta go home and feed Duke but then I should be alright to come out for a bit” Dan said.

Duke is his dog, it is the cutest thing ever, well cute probably isn’t the right word, it is a staffy. Not really a ‘cute’ breed but it is very sweet, then again that probably isn’t the right word either.

Christian and I left the coffee shop with our lattes in our hands. We walked back across the park over to my apartment, the one I now share with just Charlotte and Christian. Max and the girls moved out because they needed their own space. It is understandable, Cassy and Charlotte didn’t get along very well either which didn’t help. Max and I still see each other regularly but I guess he just isn’t my crowd anymore, I have new friends and he does too. His aren’t really my type. I know what you’re thinking, sharing an apartment with Christian that seems a little dangerous, but no it really isn’t.

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