Just To Please Everyone Else (Chapter 9)

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I woke up to find myself still snuggled into Louis. One of his arms were wrapped around me, the other was tightly intertwined with mine. My head was still on his shoulder and his head was resting on mine. I was comfortable and I felt safe in his arms. Suddenly his head lifted from mine. I lift mine off his shoulder and faced him.

"I didn't know you were awake." He smiled.

"I didn't know you were" I giggled.

He leant forward and kissed my cheek. I smiled, lightly blushing.

"We better get up before Liam throws a fit because we have a radio interview in an hour and a half." he smirked as he got up.

I let go of his hand and sat there watching him. Then there was whispering in the hallway.

Louis flicked his hand gesturing me to come over closer to the door. I got up and stood next to him with my ear against the wall.

"I don't like Louis and Kit being together"

"Management aren't going to be happy"

"You know she's gonna get even more hate right?"

"I just don't want to see either of them hurt each other."

Louis looked at me with innocent eyes. I felt bad, I couldn't believe the boys were talking about us. I could tell Niall wasn't there and it was way too early for Zayn to be having a conversation with anyone, let alone be awake.

"I have an idea" Louis whispered. He quickly ran over a plan and I agreed. I didn't want to agree but if it was going to cause the others trouble we may as well give it a go.

Louis walked off to his room to get ready after he knew he boys had moved front the hallway. I jumped in the shower and washed my hair with my strawberry shampoo. Once I was finished I dried off and changed into a pair of electric blue jeans and a black top. I put on a jacket and brushed my wet hair that was in ringlets. I applied my favourite mascara, with some eye liner, foundation and a bit of blush.

I pulled on a pair of converse before making my way down stairs for what should be the performance of my life.

Louis came up behind me in the hallway and hugged me. I jumped before tuning to face him.

"No matter what comes out my mouth, I love you" he smiled.

"I love you too and I don't mean anything I am about to say alright?" I kissed his cheek. He nodded. We walk separately to the top of the stairs.

"I can't believe you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

It made all the boys turn their head from their spots on the couch.

"What me? You can't believe me, I can't believe you! This is ridiculous." he yelled angrily.

"I hate you!" I continued to scream loudly.

"I hate you more" he retaliated.

"I think that is absolutely impossible. I can't believe I ever dated! We are so over!" I let the fake tears rise in my eyes as I continued to scream.

"You can't break up with me, because I am breaking up with you. I really hate you Kit" he yelled.

"Goodbye Louis" I said quieter before running down the stairs and out the door.


I watched Kit walk out the door. She was a seriously good actress, she looked like she was about to cry. I felt like running after her and apologising a thousand times, even though it wasn't real I wanted to apologise so many times.

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