The Tale of Those Two (Chapter 14)

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I surrounded by warm, strong arms but I still wasn't happy. I was being given a death stare. I could feel his eyes burning into my face as he continued to stare. I don't understand why Rae can't be happy that I came home instead of dwelling in the past. I cannot go back and change anything and even if I could I am not sure that I would.

"I missed you so much Kit" Niall said as the four boys began to pull away.

"Me too" Zayn kissed my cheek softly as he said it.

"I missed the KitKat" Harry smiled.

Then I was suddenly embraced tightly into the arms of Louis.

"I missed my KitKat more than anything! Are you ok? I love you" he said before I cut him off.

Kisses are really the best way to shut people up. It was a short and sweet kiss. After I leant my forehead against his.

"Yeah, I really love you" he mumbled sweetly.

I just giggled at him. He was so adorable, cute, sweet and amazing. How did I get so lucky? Then again I could be saying the same thing about Liam and I am sure millions of girls are asking themselves why they aren't me, but I guess it's just the way the cookie crumbles or rather crumbled.

"I love you more"

"Ok, we get you missed each other but please stop with the PDA. It's pure and utter torture" Harry muttered rudely.

"Calm down Haz" Niall said

"You mean PDA like this?" Louis said as he leant forward and kissed me.

The kiss deepened quickly. My hands running through his hair and his holding tightly onto my hips and pulling me towards him.

"Ok, cut it out. It's my sister Lou" Liam stated.

We pulled apart and just smiled at each other. I saw from the corner of my eye, a pair of eyes continuing to stare at me. Then they moved, I suddenly heard a slam and everyone's eyes looked towards the noise. It was just Rae slamming the door to the spare room where he was sleeping.

"He needs to take a chill pill" Harry mumbled. Liam gave a chuckle as did Niall.

"Should we eat out and leave grumpy pants to be miserable." Zayn asked.

"N-" I answer

"yes, let's go" Liam smiled.

I was quickly pushed out of the house by the five boys and we piled into the van. Louis jumped in the front seat and I sat in the passenger seat. Louis ket one hand on the wheel the entire way and held my hand with the other. Our fingers intertwined with each other.

"Ugh, such lovey dovey stuff" Harry whispered to the others thinking we couldn't hear.

"I think it's cute" Niall defended.

They kept that same conversation going the entire way to the restaurant. It was like they were on two different teams in twilight, kind of weird analogy but it works.

Once we got there we didn't put on hoodies like we usually would, we walked in with our normal selves. Nothing to cover up our identities or anything like that. It was a pretty fancy restaurant though. We walked in and I held Louis' hand. Suddenly we heard the screams and conversation of fans and people with cameras. Flashes went off, Liam gave me a sign to just ignore it but it was so hard. I never thought when I was younger that being famous could be so hard. It's even difficult to walk out of the house without being followed or taken pictures of or screamed at. Louis' hand gripped tighter around mine. I liked it.

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