Love Triangle..More Like A Square (Chapter 31)

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----Kit's POV----

I was walking around the house looking for my top as you do. I swear these boys never rest. One of them took it and I plan on finding out who.

"BOYS!" I squealed.


"Coming" I heard a crash and then three cheeky guilty looking faces emerge from the hall.

"What was that?" I asked.

"It wasn't another lamp if that's what your thinking, psh it's definitely not a lamp" Louis said with a guilty look plastered on his face.

"It was a lamp" Harry smirked.

"Woah and why are you not wearing a top?" Niall asked scanning my body.

I of course had pants on and a half singlet.

"That's what I was asking you"

"It wasn't me, but whoever did it is a genius" Harry said cheekily.

Niall frowned at Harry's remark and elbowed him in the ribs subtly.

"Sorry" Louis frowned guilty again.

"You took it?!" I grumbled.

"Accidentally, I was in your room looking for my top that I lost and thought you might have it. I saw your top thinking it was mine quickly discovering it wasn't. It's in my room, I'll go get it" he blurted out before jogging up the stairs to retrieve my top.

He brought it back to me quickly and I swiftly pulled it over my head.

"Thankyou" I smiled.

"No probs KitKat" he smiled.

I miss being with Lou. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to call it quits but I guess it's what he wanted.

His smile makes me weak and his eyes just sparkle making the butterflies in my stomach go mad. I miss his lips on mine, they always taste like a mix of strawberries and mint which are two of my favourite things. I miss being able to hold his hand and snuggle with him on the couch.

It's been a week and nothing is getting better. I still wish I had Louis back. Unfortunately for me I am led to believe he has found someone because apparently he is bring whoever they are to dinner.

The doorbell sounded and me being the nosy little girl I am decided to answer it. I pulled open the door to reveal a girl, she looks a little older than I am. She has brown hair and gorgeous eyes, she's tall and is really pretty.

"Hi I'm Eleanor. Is Louis here?" She asked politely.

"Hi, I'm Christiana and I think he's upstairs come in." I was polite but I gave her my full anime because I'm not sure if I like her yet.

"Why do you live with Louis? Are you his girlfriend or something?" She asked.

"Ex, he isn't the only one I live with, there is five of them... Ones my brother. That's why I live here" I smiled slightly.

"Ok, are the other boys coming to dinner too?"

"Yes, I think so. Question...are you and Louis dating?" I asked.

"No, we are just friends." She smiled

"I'll just go get the boys" I said before running upstairs.

"Lou! Niall! Haz! Li-Li! Zayn!" I yelled through the rooms.


"What?" Zayn groaned.

"Coming Babe" Harry flirted.

"Don't call her that" Liam growled at Harry.

"Right here" Niall said as he came up beside me.

"Eleanor's here and dinner is ready!" I said before grabbing Niall's hand and dragging him downstairs with me to get rid of the awkwardness between Eleanor and I.

----Niall's POV---

She grabbed my hand. She touched me and I instantly felt sparks fly from my hand to hers and back again. She's just so perfect. A smile threatened to show on her lips and I watched as she tried to push it away. She is the most beautiful girl, her eyes sparkle when she smiles, her smile just makes my stomach do flips.

When Harry just constantly flirts with her it drives me insane. I can't deal with it. I like her, not just like her, it's more than that. I can't watch her flirt with him either. I used to like her a little before Louis and her became an item and I tried to back off but it didn't work too well.

I love her, well I think I do.

----Eleanor's POV----

I watched as Christiana came back down the stairs holding hands with the cutest boy I have seen in ages. His bright blue eyes looked like sapphires, his hair was perfect. His smile was a little crooked but the most adorable thing ever. Behind Christiana and this boy followed Louis. He was staring at me and smiling. I smile back politely. I don't like him the way he may think, I just wanna be friends. He is sweet but not my type.

----Louis' POV---

She smiled at me. That girl is just perfect. She has the most gorgeous personality. She is so sweet to everyone. Her eyes and smile just make me feel weak and melt. I need to tell her that I want to be something more than friends.

----Kit's POV----

Dinner was alright. I was sat next to Niall, with Eleanor and Louis facing us. Zayn was next to Louis, Harry was on the other side of me and Liam was at the head of the table.

To be honest I have never had such an awkward dinner. Liam, Harry and I were having our own conversation, Eleanor was flirting with Niall, Louis was flirting with Eleanor and Niall was just lost with where the conversation was headed. Zayn was trying to include himself in conversation with Lou, Eleanor and Niall, but couldn't.

It was funny because the whole night Eleanor was calling me Christiana, well the boys thought it was mean on my part but I found it hilarious.

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