Stronger than She seems (Chapter 29)

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-----Kits POV-----

Liam is finally back with the programme, he still cries on the odd occasion but it has only been a day since he came back to us, so everyone is being extremely gentle with him. I still want to know, badly.

Walking to the kitchen I saw Harry and Liam talking with Louis.

"We need to tell her" Harry spoke.

Yes, finally. Harry's right Liam. Listen to him, listen to him!

"I don't know, I don't want her to leave or disappear or lock us out" Louis said.

Don't listen to Louis, Liam! Don't listen to him!

"We do need to tell her and I think now is better than later" Liam told them.

Yes! Thank you Li-Li.

"Let's go tell her"

Before Harry could even finish that sentence I was sprinting for the couch and jumped over the back of it landing on my bum just in time. The boys walked in less than a millisecond later.

"Kit, we need to talk" Liam said attempting to shoo the other two away but they didn't budge. Louis just wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

A tear slid down my older brothers cheek. His words seemed to be trapped in his mouth. I could see it in his eyes he didn't want to tell me. His tears were still falling down his cheeks and they didn't stop. I could tell it was serious.

"Dad was in an accident" he whimpered tears falling from his eyes continuously.

"Is he ok?" I asked.

Liam just shook his head and broke down into tears. Harry pulled Liam into a hug and I felt tears slide down my cheeks. Now I really wish I hadn't asked.

I sat there in Louis' arms for over two hours. The tears and cries making my entire body shake. I felt so weak and lost. I was empty.

"He's gone" I whimpered for the billionth time.

Louis stroked back my hair and attempted to wipe away a few tears but didn't get many. I buried my head back into his shirt that was already soaked with my tears.

--------Louis' POV-------

I swear we shouldn't have told her yet. She hasn't moved. She has tears streaming constantly down her face. I feel awful seeing her like this, it makes me want to break down into tears. I can't though, I need to stay strong for her. I have to keep my chin up in order to help her through it.

The boys have come through the lounge all day, none saying a word. The only words I have heard since we told Kit is 'he's gone'.

I feel like people are treading carefully around Kit and I. No one has spoken to us and no one has thought to bring us anything. I'm starving.

My stomach growled.

Kits big brown eyes looked up at me, they still had tears falling from them, I feel awful.

"Hungry?" She asked.

I hesitated before nodding.

"Me too" she mumbled.

I got up leaving her on the couch. I walked into the kitchen to see Harry and Zayn.

"How is she?" Zayn asked.

"She is obviously extremely upset but she has said something other than he's gone which is a start" I answered.

"That's good, I made you both some food" Harry smiled.

"Thankyou so much Hazza" I said taking the sandwiches from his hand and going back into the lounge.

I handed one to Kit, who ate it ridiculously quickly.

"Louis," she started

"Yes?" I responded.

"I don't want to be like this" she said, "dad wouldn't want me to be like this, to shut everyone out and cry all the time. I'm gonna try and be normal"

"You are strong Kit. I know you are and I am going to help you through it" I told her.

She gave me a weak and fake smile trying to show that she was pulling through. I know this is only the start but she will refuse to believe that. She will keep her head up and try and fight through the pain, no matter how much it hurts.


------Niall's POV------

Liam hasn't moved from the couch since Kit moved off it. He hasn't stopped the waterworks. Louis is in a state as Kit hasn't left her room in two days. At night I can hear her crying, she whimpers softly but it's loud enough to hear from the room across the hall.

Harry, Zayn and I are worried sick for the other three. It is worrying us all because we don't know when it is going to stop and we don't know how to help.

Before I could think I was turning the door knob to Kit's room. Tissues are scattered all over the floor, she is curled up in a ball on her bed. Her blinds are drawn shut and it is really dark. It smells like rotten banana in here too.


"Mhmm"she mumbled, I could tell she was still crying by the way her voice broke in the middle.

"Your Dad wouldn't want you to be like this, he would want you to be out, enjoying yourself. Exploring, having fun, doing everything you want to and need to do. He wouldn't want you to be in here crying because he's gone. Kit, he's never really going to be gone" the words left my mouth before I could stop them.

Her head lifted and she looked up at me. She had a sparkle in her eyes, one I haven't seen in days.

"Thank you Niall" she said as she lifted her body and sat up.

"It's ok Kit" I smiled and left the room.

I felt like I had done something good. It was nothing like paying for someone else's meal or helping them make a sandwich but it was deep, good and special.

It was something I will never ever forget.

Twenty minutes later, Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn and I were sitting on the couch. We managed to get Liam to be a little better. He is fine with talking to people and has stopped crying. Louis has managed to pull himself together which is good because he really needed to. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, that could mean one of two things; there is someone in our house or Kit is coming. I am going with the second.

I was right. Walking down the stairs was none other than Christiana Jessica Payne.

The gorgeous and stunning girl who is much much stronger than she seems.

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