Patching Them Up With Departure (Chapter 6)

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Bacon? I smell bacon. I rolled out of my bed at the early hour of 9 in the morning. I chucked on one of the boys' hoodies that I had taken a few nights ago. I threw on my favourite pair of ugg boots that Rae bought me from Australia. I jogged down the hallway to the staircase. Sure enough there was Harry cooking bacon. Louis was sitting at the bench talking to him. He wasn't crying anymore and neither was I. I hadn't talked to Louis since yesterday's incident at the interview and I felt really bad that I hurt him. My feet hit the steps quickly and quietly. The two boys didn't hear me but Harry saw me.

"I don't understand I thought she felt the same" Louis mumbled.

"uh Lou"

"Not now Haz. I just thought that she would say yes I didn't know that she could possibly say no or later because of Liam"

"Louis!" Harry blurted.

Louis turned his head around to see me. My eyes were wide and I felt as if he would be mad. Instead he just smiled a little before getting up and heading for the stairs. I grabbed his arm and he turned around. His eyes starred into mine and I quickly stood on my tiptoes and kissed him.

"Is that a good enough sorry?" I asked after I pulled away.

"If I said no would I get another kiss?" Louis asked cheekily.


"Then no"

I quickly kissed him again and he just smiled.

"Yeah that's good enough"

"Louis!" Liam's stern voice rang out from the top of the staircase.

Louis eyes went wide.

"I am coming with you" I whispered in his ear before he grabbed my hand, our fingers intertwined and lead me up the stairs.

Liam walked to his room and Louis walked in first. I followed Louis and stood awkwardly holding onto Louis' hand.

"Kit would you please let us talk alone?" Liam's voice held anger and frustration as well as sadness.

'Its ok' Louis mouthed to me before nodding.

I let go of his hand and left the room.

"You said you didn't!"

"I didn't know that!"

"But you kissed my sister"

"Well do you want to keep us apart?"


My heart broke into a thousand pieces. Liam doesn't Lou and I together. I love him, of course I want to be with him. Is Liam really going to make me choose between Louis and him because at the moment I prefer Louis because he didn't call Liam in to be yelled at it is the other way around! Why can't I love them both? Liam as a brother and Louis as more than a friend. What are we anyway? Louis is my (insert relationship status here). See what I mean?

"Liam take that back!"

"No, I don't want you to see my sister in that way!" Liam yelled.

That's when Louis stormed out. There I was standing against the door frame watching Louis walk away. He walked to his room and slammed the door closed before I heard things smashing. I watched through the crack in Liam's door as he threw a pillow at the wall over and over again. I hate this. I am splitting them apart. Before I came into the equation they were happy just being best friends travelling and going on tour together. I am going to be the one who is taken from the equation to fix this.

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