Family Secrets Unknown (Chapter 57)

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----Kit’s POV----

Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall, Harry, Sophie and I entered the house. Sophie was asleep in my arms, Liam was tired there were massive bags under their eyes. Before I could utter a word all five of the boys disappeared to their rooms. I carried my baby girl into her room as she snored lightly, it reminded me of Harry which is weird because in no way is this child related to him but then again how would I know if she was or not. I walked into the Sophie’s room and much to my dismay I was greeted with yet another white envelope.

It read my name in the same cursive handwriting as usual with the same love heart placed in the usual place on the right of the envelope right next to my neatly scribed name.

Somehow I recognized the handwriting but not because of all the other letters and envelopes but it brought back memories of Christmas for some reason. Christmas with Aunt Evelyn, Aunt Christine, Uncle Tristan and my cousins Levi, Finn, Pax, Shannon, Tiana and Marie. That was Dad’s side of the family, we spent every Christmas with them once Mum died. It was normal.

What puzzled me was how the cursive, neat handwriting linked together with my childhood Christmas’.

My mind came back to reality as the white paper envelope gave me a paper cut as I rotated it around between my fingers. It stung slightly and bled a little but I ignored it. I carefully slid my pointer finger under the sticky tab that shut the envelope. I opened the envelope and slid out the contents.

I held the small piece of paper in my hand and read it, the two pieces of writing on the paper managed to rip my heart out of my chest. It read ‘Charlotte Annabelle’. My sobs shook my entire body, in that moment I don’t think I have ever felt so fragile and vulnerable.


“Come on Dad” I screamed at him.

Here I was, month nine.

Dad was not at all happy about this and I can’t say I was thrilled either. He didn’t like the fact my ex-boyfriend and I hadn’t been careful or that we were even in ‘that’ kind of relationship. I just didn’t like the pain I was in.

My now ex-boyfriend and I had been going strong for almost two years. Eight months ago I told Jordan about the baby growing inside my stomach and he ran for the hills, of course it upset me a lot. I spent three days on the couch eating Ben and Jerry’s I had built my expectations of him up too high. Any guy would have been scared so looking back I am not so surprised but it was just when he left so quickly it scared me to be on my own.

Dad was just scared for me, I guess he was a little disappointed as well I mean I was his only daughter and my whole life I had been responsible and careful, the one time I did something careless it caused me to become pregnant.

---Forty two hours later---

I sat in the hospital bed cradling my new baby girl. I of course thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world. I watched as she moved her little tiny hands around with an ‘O’ shaped mouth. She was just perfect.

I couldn’t care for her though, I knew it, Dad knew it, Carly knew it, Shannon knew it and so did Aunty Evelyn. I was 16 for crying out loud I could barely look after the flowers in the back garden.

I knew Dad and Aunt Evelyn had a deal about my baby and I knew it would be for the best even if it was going to cause me pain and separation from my baby.

“Christiana, Evelyn is going to care for the baby until you are old enough to do it yourself. She will look after her as if she were her own and she will return her to you without question when you have the ability to care for her” Dad spoke softly in my ear.

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