Gross, Always and Forever (Chapter 50)

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I watched Louis' every move. He folded my t-shirt and placed it neatly on top of his clothes. I watched him intently as he continued folding our clothes. He was good at packing suitcases. I have never been, I know he has had a few lessons (which he may or may not have wanted) from Liam on packing because Liam got sick of having to help Louis, Harry and Niall every time they moved on tour. I can agree that it must have been annoying especially if Harry was in his grumpy mood and Niall was in his whiny or hungry one.

"Like what you see?" Louis asked raising an eyebrow at me.

I just poked my tongue out before giggling "Of course not, that would be gross"

He gasped at me, "Would it be gross if I did this?" He asked as he picked me up off the bed.

"mhm" I nodded.

"What about this?" He questioned as he hugged me.

"Yep." I answered.

"Urrr, this?" He said as he kissed my cheek.

"Definitely" I replied.

"This?" He whispered his lips brushing mine slightly.

"Better" I whispered back.

"How about this?" He said cutely.

His lips smashed to mine, once I got over the slight surprise I began to kiss him back. My butterflies hitting the insides of my stomach like when I kill spiders with my shoes, hard and fast. I could smell his aftershave cologne, it smelt amazing and just like Louis. My knees went weak like always as his tongue entered my mouth. I gasped slightly but continued to kiss my favourite boy in the world. My stomach was doing flips making my butterflies dizzy and more confused, they spun around in my stomach before crashing around everywhere just making my heart jump too. The kiss seemed to make me light headed from lack of oxygen, I didn't care too much til it got to the point of thinking I was going to pass out then I pulled away resting my head on Louis' chest, his strong arms wrapped around my waist, his head nuzzling into my mess of curls.

"Most certainly not gross" I whispered.

"I knew that would win you over"

"How so?"

"You're my girl" He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine, my heart skipped a beat or five as the words left his mouth.

This boy is special or as Dad would say 'He's a keeper'. I could just hear the words repeating in my head like Dad was actually there. I knew he would say that about Louis.

"He really is Dad" I whispered to myself into Louis' chest so he wouldn't hear.

"Come on we gotta finish packing, babe" Louis said letting go of my waist.

"Or we could just kiss a little more" I suggested.

"Packing or Kissing is that a trick question?" He mumbled his lips brushing mine before he swiftly turned and went straight to the suitcase picking up a pair of my shorts. I laughed at him before walking over to help him.

"Thought so" I giggled.

"Really? You kinda sorta thought wrong" He said facing me as his lips met mine. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. This is what I wanted. Someone who loved me, could joke with me, wasn't afraid to kiss me, raise a kid with me. Of course Sophie wasn't part of the original plan with Louis, especially not as young as we both are but I have found that having her around makes me realize how much I want children and who I want them with. I know I'm only 18 and all I should be thinking about is romantic movies and how much junk food you can eat before getting sick but I always knew I was different. Always. That's when the boys said they would be there for me. Always. That's how long Liam and Rae will be my brothers. Always. I will always be and always have been too different to know what's normal and what isn't. Always. How long I will love my boys.

"Ok, that's enough we have got to finish otherwise we won't get there in time to see Willow before she goes to bed!" I said.

He nodded but quickly pecked my lips before we both began to finish packing the bag.

"Kit!" Zayn yelled from downstairs.

"Be right back" I said to Louis before kissing his cheek and jogging downstairs.

I walked into the lounge to see Niall on the ground laughing like there was no tomorrow, Harry trying so hard not to be on the ground next to Niall and Zayn who looked like he was about to have a fit! You know like those three year olds do in the supermarket when their parents say they aren't allowed whatever thing they asked for and the throw a complete fit, crying and screaming, everything. That was exactly what Zayn looked like he was going to do.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

"Your little princess or whatever took my lucky comb and put it in her mouth, she won't give it back" Once the Bradford boy had finished his sentence I was trying so hard not to burst out laughing and be on the floor with Niall too.

"She is not even a year old and you can't take a comb off her." I said choking back my laughter.

"It's not funny Kit! Get her to give it back." He whined.

"Hey Baby," I cooed to Soph, "Can mummy have the comb?" I asked she took it out of her mouth and held it out to me. "Ta, good girl" I smiled handing Zayn the comb. "I won't be as polite next time, I will be on the floor with Niall laughing at you!" I told Zayn.

He just frowned at me but didn't have a chance to give me a comeback because I went straight back to Louis who had already finished packing.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep" I beamed grabbing his hand as we exited the room.

I grabbed Soph out of Harry's arms in the lounge room and headed for the car after Lou but not before yelling out to the boys.

"No one go into my room, don't break anything and nobody should leave Niall alone in the house because I did the shopping yesterday and I want there to be food when I get back. I will text Liam and tell him I warned you" I told them knowing they wouldn't do anything if they knew Liam knew.

"Ready Baby girl?" I cooed to Sophie.

My little girl just giggled. Wow she is adorable.

I buckled Sophie in and then got in the passenger side of the car. Louis turned on the radio to hear McFly's song Love is Easy.

'If this is love,

Love is easy,

It's the easiest thing to do,

If this is Love,

Love completes me,

'cause it feels like I've been missing you'

Lou and I sand together. Louis moved his spare hand that wasn't driving the car to mine and intertwined our fingers together.

"I seriously love you so much" He whispered.

"I love you tons more" I told him truthfully.

"Impossible" He beamed.

"I disagree" I smiled back.

In that moment life was perfect.

But wait a few more seconds because only seconds later our lives changed.



Oh My Goodness! 50 Chapters!! Wow! I'm kinda proud of myself. This is the second longest story I have ever written and the longest I have put on the internet :)

Please Comment and Vote, I really do appericiate input and votes because it makes me feel like I am doing ok with the whole writing thing :) Thanks and dont forget to 'follow' me if you havent already :)

Lol/Ellie xx

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