When They Won't Tell (Chapter 28)

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-----Kit's POV-----

It was only last night that the boys were having a conversation about me. I need to know what's wrong. My eyes fluttered open to reveal I was in my bed. I had obviously been moved during the night by one of the boys. I'm guessing it was Louis seeing as he is laying beside me snoring lightly.

I pushed myself out of bed trying to be silent as I didn't want to wake Louis. He's so cute when he sleeps. I crept downstairs to find Liam asleep on the couch with a box of tissues beside him. I seriously need to know what's wrong.

I walked into the kitchen to find Harry making breakfast. Well not really making but pouring milk and cereal into a bowl. He looked up at me and gave a half frown. I just stood there, he came over and hugged me.

"I didn't know you were up, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Great" I answered trying to see if he would tell me what's wrong.

"That's good. What do you want to do today? It's Kit and Liam day today" he continued to frown.

"Why?" I asked innocently.

"Because we love you both a lot!" Harry half smiled.

"This is new. Did you not love us before?" I frowned.

"Of course we loved you before we just thought that today we would show you how much" he covered up.

"Ok" I said deciding I would interrogate someone else as Harry obviously wasn't going to tell me anytime soon.

I grabbed out a bowl and a spoon as well as a box of cereal and poured it into the bowl. I grabbed the milk out the fridge and poured some in over my cereal. I put the milk and cereal away before making my way to the garden. I sat on the table because you know I'm too cool for chairs. I shovelled my food into my mouth staring into space.

What if it was something important?

What if I ended up crying for weeks?

I stared at the back fence at an old bush. It was a rose bush and it was almost dead. It gets no sun where it is because it is under another tree. The flowers are dead and the main part is almost dead too. Maybe I could save it. I ran inside quickly and grabbed a jug of water. I came back out and poured it on the rosebush. I decided later today I would clip back the tree above the rosebush, but before I do that I need to know what is wrong.

-----Harry's POV----

I could see in Kit's eyes she knew something was wrong and I knew she was fishing for the answer but I can't tell her. It's not something you just casually blurt out to someone. It's upsetting. Liam has been crying for six hours straight and only fell asleep an hour ago when his eyes had cried too many tears. I can still see them sliding down his cheeks now.

It breaks my heart. He is my best mate and to see him crying makes me know he's in pain. It's hard enough to see him upset but crying is a whole new thing.

What on earth is she doing to that plant?

It's dying.

Why is she watering it?

Ah, I get it. She's trying to help it. That plant has been dying for months, I highly doubt she is going to save a plant that is so close to death.

I can still hear whimpers leaving Liam's lips, even in his sleep he is crying.

I put my bowl in the dishwasher after finishing my cereal. I know that neither Kit nor Liam are going to want a day based around them so I have an idea.

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