Loved To Bits (Chapter 42)

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---Kit's POV---

I jogged down the stairs after putting Soph down for her afternoon nap. The boys were all in the kitchen at the bench.

"And the countdown begins!" Harry announced as he placed all our advent calendars on the bench.

"Are you sure we aren’t too old for these?" Liam checked.

"Come on Li-Li" I giggled.

We each stood in front of our own advent calendars seeing them for the first time as we all had to buy one for someone else. I bought for Niall, he bought for Louis, Lou bought for Zayn, Zayn for Li-Li, he bought Harry's and Harry got me one. The boys claimed it was some sort of tradition.

Niall cracked up laughing" Kit how did you come up with this one? Seriously what was running through your mind?"

"The fact that you both like green and have blonde hair" I smiled.

"So you think of me as a girl" Niall smirked.

"Correction, a fairy" Zayn laughed.

"NO! THE TINKERBELL! NOT JUST A FAIRY!!"Louis squealed like an angry five year old.

"Haz, how did this come about?" I asked smiling as I held up my One Direction advent calendar so he could see. “I’m not so sure I feel comfortable eating your faces."

"You seem fine when it's Louis' face you’re eating" Harry replied earning a laugh from Zayn and a hi-five plus a death stare from Louis and Liam.

"That’s my sister Haz." Liam growled.

"Ok enough" Zayn gave in.

He quickly ripped open the door with the number 1 on it and ate the chocolate out of it, the others copying his actions pretty closely.

After the boys had all scoffed their chocolates they left, except Louis.

"Does Harry get a discount or something on these calendars?" I asked curiously.

Louis laughed a little before nodding.

"Cheapskate" I muttered under my breath.


"Ok, so that’s Maura, Greg, Anne, Gemma, Jay, Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe, and Daisy, anyone else?" Louis listed.

"Nope, I'm going to my uncles with my family" Zayn said.

"Kit anyone you want to invite?" Harry asked.

I thought for a bit before answering, "Yes actually, Can we invite Max and his sisters?"

"Sure" Liam nodded.

I quickly picked my phone up off the coffee table and dialed the number that’s id read 'The most amazingest friend ever in the entire world who is also a sexy beast' I giggled at the name he had put in.

The phone rung numerous times before I heard the so familiar voice that belonged to my sixth favourite boy.

"Hello" He answered politely.

"Hey there" I giggled down the phone line.

"Oh Hey cutie, how are you?" He flirted.

"I'm good, how about you?" I replied.

"Good, what’s up?"

"What are you doing for Christmas because the boys and I are having their families over so I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"I don’t think the girls and I are doing anything so sure" I could hear him smile.

"Ok, be up here maybe on the 23rd"

"Sounds great"

"Cool, I gotta go. See you soon sexy" I flirted.

"Bye gorgeous" He said before hanging up the phone leaving it beeping in my ear.

"He said he'd come" I smiled, a grin washed over Harry's face but he was the only one that seemed happy as Louis and Liam seemed to narrow their eyes and looked as if they were going to growl or something. Zayn and Niall remained neutral.

Something wrong boys? 


The days are counting down and a hell of a lot faster than I thought they would. Zayn has already left us to go see his family. It's weird, recently the boys have been fighting over Soph, I know why. Seeing as I'm the only girl, I automatically went straight to being the mother figure whereas the five boys can't all be the 'Father'. I know I sound a bit mean but I don't think Li-Li can be father as such because he is my brother and Sophie is like my daughter, it would just be weird.

I took my keys out of the car and got out grabbing my purse and my phone. I haven't bought anyone anything for Christmas, by anything I mean I have bought absolutely nothing, not even Sophie. I run into the first store and walk out with two bags full of things, I bought clothes for Sophie, a beanie for Harry and a four-leaf clover glass for Niall.

By the end of the shopping trip I had bought everyone presents. Shoes, teddies and clothes for Soph, Hair gel, a mirror and a voucher for another tattoo for Zayn, two beanies, another pair of sunglasses and a really cool necklacey type thing for Hazzabear, a jumper, a digital picture frame and a new shirt for Li-Li, A whole bunch of four leaf clover things, a new guitar case and a packet of Oreos for Nialler and for my Louis I bought a pair of TOMS, a signed vinyl record by the Beatles that was framed and a Christmas jumper. Make-up for Lottie, ugg boots for fizzy, beading kit for daisy and jewellery for Phoebe, I got Dani ballet shoe earrings, a snapback for Greg, converse and new beats for Max, a build-a-bear for Ruby, One Direction Merch for Eliza and Cassy too.

"Ugh" I groaned pushing through the front door carrying not even a third of the bags from the car.

"Hey Kit" Niall smiled

"Hey Babe" Louis smirked.

"Don't call her Babe it's wierd"Liam growled

"Hey Babe" Harry smirked happily as he annoyed my brother.

"Thanks for offering to help, yes I'd love some" I muttered.

"Sorry gorgeous" Louis apologised jumping to his feet and going out to my car grabbing double what I had. One more trip with how much he takes and I would be done. I smiled to myself only to quickly remember the boys' presents were in some of those bags.

"Don't look in the bags!" I quickly warned.

"Whatever" Harry smiled cheekily.

"So annoying" I mumbled under my breath.

"Where is Soph?" I asked.

"Asleep" Liam answered.

"Alright, well I have to wrap all these now" I said to Louis as he brought in the final bags.

"Your point?" Harry muttered.

"Get out!" I yelled at him.

"Whatever, I'm going to go chat with Talia" He said getting up.

"Oh la la" Niall and I chorused.

"I'll go be a good wingman like I should be" Louis winked kissing my cheek before following Harry out the door.

"Can I stay and watch a movie, Kit? Please?" Niall pleaded.

"Fine" I agreed.

"Well, I'm gonna go Skype Dani" Liam smiled jogging to his room.

Peace and quiet.

Thought to soon. I suddenly could hear Sophie crying.

"I'll get it Kit" Niall smiled.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"One hundred precent" 

I seriously love these boys to bits!  

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