The Best Friends Give The Best Advice (Chapter 12)

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Running, running, running.

My phone continued to ring in my pocket. I had shaken the screaming girls off a fair way back. I came out of the trees in a near by forest to find a field. It was filled with white daisies and yellow flowers. The light wind made the long grass sway and the white flowers reflected the light of the sun into my eyes. I will stay here.

I walked through to the centre of the field. I was surrounded by the white flowers. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through it.

28 missed calls and 43 text messages.

10 calls from Harry, 10 from Louis and 8 from Liam. My 43 text messages 10 from Zayn, 2 from Rae, 6 from Niall, 12 from Liam and 10 from Louis.

I don't care. I scrolled through the text messages.


- 'Kit come back now!!'


- 'Baby I'm really worried, just let me know your ok'


- 'Kit, I'm so so so sorry, just please come home. Please we are so worried'

- Niall

- 'We are all so worried about you, please at least reply to one of us. We want to know if your ok. Please think of Louis and Liam. They love you and need you here. Just please at least think about it xx'

Oh I love Niall, he knows exactly what to say and when to say it. Of course I don't love him the way I love Louis but I love him in the way I love Liam. Brother, Sister love I guess.

The field was beginning to get dark, it was pretty as the sun became orange and made the entire field an orange tinge. I picked up one of the white flowers and pulled it closer to me before resting it in my lap and pulling my hair back using the hair tie on my wrist. I then slotted the end of the stem of the flower through my hair tie and the flower sat there. I used my phone camera to take a picture and I had a look. It looked pretty if I do say so myself.

I decided that I would post it on twitter.

@Real_Christiana_Paynexox- 'What I do when I get bored :P x' I attached the picture to it.

Within about a minute three of the boys had tweeted me.

@Niallofficial- 'Kit please come home'

@zaynmalik- 'Louis is crying and Liam has locked himself away. Please come home'

@Harry_Styles- 'Kit, please come home. We miss you and everyone is so so worried.'

After that I was trending on twitter as was 'comehomeKit'.

I read through a couple of my mentions, why did everyone else care? I was just Kit. If I had run away before Liam was famous no way would I be trending on twitter to come home. That would just be weird.

I decided to log off before I did something stupid like reply to the boys. I know it wasn't the, who did this but if I talk to them, they will talk me into coming home where I will then have to listen to Rae go on about how I shouldn't do this.

I thought about who I could talk to. Someone who won't yell at me, tell me off, ask me to come home or judge me. Carly. I dialled in her all too familiar number before pressing the green button.


"Hey Carls" I spoke

"How's it going?"

"Not so good" I answered.

"Ok, Spill the beans Chipmunk" she said seriously.

"Chipmunk? Really Carly?" I giggled.

"Yep, you're a little chipmunk you are" she giggled.

"Ok, well back to my serious issues Carls" I muttered.

"Continue" she urged.

"Ok, Rae came to ours"

"Rae's in the country?" she interrupted.

"Yeah, anyway Liam finally approved of Louis and I but then Rae went al, don't break my sisters heart. That made Liam angry and then they started fighting about me and who has always cared about me. In the end they ended up yelling and I ran out."

"Did you go back?"

"Check twitter" I answered.

"Hold on" she quickly muttered.

I waited about twenty seconds because that is how long my attention span is or has been lately.


"Yeah" she whispered.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

I could hear it in her voice that she was either stressed or worried.

"Umm have you checked twitter?"

"Nope, I can't I'm on the phone and I am out the house. Wow Carls paying so much attention aren't we?" I said sarcastically.

"Sorry, but you know that Louis love Kit is trending right?"

"What?" I squealed.

"Yeah and so is come home Kit and One Direction needs their KitKat home." Carly sounded excited yet worried.

"I don't know what to do Carly" I could feel tears rising in my eyes.

"You know what I'm gonna say Kit. Even I know that you know what I think you should do"

She and I know each other inside-out of course I know what she is gonna say I just want to hear it.

"I think you should go home. I don't necessarily mean you have to hold up a conversation with any of the boys just let them know you're ok. You at least owe them that" she is always right.

The thing is Carly doesn't know what it's like to live with all boys. I mean I have been doing it since as long as I can remember but I think everyone just forgets I'm the only girl. I never do, although I do my best to fit in with them I will alway be myself and I think that the boys don't realise how hard I had to work to be able to live with them with limited amount of issues. Rae definitely took it for granted, Liam was very sensible and kind towards me and Dad was well, Dad, he was always was on phone calls and away on business so most of the time it was just my brothers and I.

"Kit ? Are you there still?"

"Yeah, I'm here. Carly I don't know if I can handle it. I don't thinking can face them. I don't think I can face Rae"

"Kit, you can. I promise you. I love you little chipmunk just do it. It will all be ok and remember I am only a phone call away" Carly reassured me.

"Kay, I will talk to you later. Bye"

"Cya" she said before hanging up.

Now I was alone, not that I wasn't before but now I am well and truly alone. I was without my best friend, with out twitter and worst of all I was alone with my thoughts. I swear being alone with my thoughts is one of the worst things ever.

All my thoughts ran through my head.

What if they didn't want me back?

What if I end up running away again?

What if they start yelling again?

What if Rae tells me to leave?

I can't handle it. I guess I just will have to walk in that door and take what's coming for me anyway.

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