Moving Forward or Away? (Chapter 49)

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  • Dedicated to Laura

It has been a week. An entire week!

Louis, Sophie and I have been inseparable for the entire time. Louis is an amazing Dad just like I knew he'd be. Liam left two days ago to go to Hawaii with Dani, which I think is just adorable, if he gets married I want it to be her. I could never imagine a better sister in-law than her.

Nialler and Haz have been off with these two girls who go by the names of Ariana and Savayah. Harry's description of Ariana was long brown hair with huge brown eyes. She is my age and probably a few inches taller than me.

When I asked Niall for a description of Savayah he just responded with 'She's Perfect'. I couldn’t help but be happy for him. Finally he may have found his one and only princess.

I was snuggled up on the couch with Lou and Soph. Soph is asleep in my arms and we are watching Pitch Perfect.

"I reckon I could do the cup song better than her!" He declared.

"Sure Lou" I laughed.

As I finished my sentence Harry and Niall walked in the door with a girl.

"Guys this is Ariana" Harry introduced.

She was exactly as he has described her, she had long brown wavy hair that ended at the bottom of her back. Her brown eyes shone in excitement as she stood facing Lou and I.

"Hi" She smiled sweetly, "It's so lovely to meet you"

"Hi, I'm Kit" I smiled back, I didn’t get up off the couch because if I did I would wake Soph.

"Hey, I'm Louis" Louis introduced himself before winking at Harry who looked kind of embarrassed.

"Hey Ni, where is Savayah?" I asked.

"She is just out with her brother" Niall smiled.

"Alright, if you want you guys can join us for the end of pitch perfect" I offered.

"Yes!" Niall pounced over the couch crashing into Louis earning a massive groan of pain from Lou.

"No thanks Ari and I are going to go to the kitchen so I can make us some dinner" Harry said.

"Can you make me some too?" I asked.

"And me" Niall added

"Me too" Louis smirked.

"Zayn just texted he'd be home in a few so why not make some for him too" Niall laughed.

Harry walked off with Ariana in a huff obviously annoyed that we just crashed his little dinner date. I let put a little giggle which caused Soph to stir.


A week and a half later

"Liam!" I squealed as my older brother walked through the door.

I jumped up my legs wrapping around his waist, he quickly let go of the suitcase in his hand so he could support my body.

"Hey baby sis" He smiled.

"I missed you so much!" I whispered in his ear.

"I missed you more"

"Impossible" I declared.

"Guess what?" he said as his hands shifted to keep me up.

"What?" I asked.

"That’s no fun you got to guess" Liam laughed.

"Ok, umm you saw a dolphin from your hotel"

"I did but that’s not it"

"You bought me a present" I guessed

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