Broken Promises (Chapter 18)

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----Liam's POV----

The boys and I spilt off individually to try and find Kit. The boys started to trend her again with hash tags like 'FindChristianaPayne', 'Where'sKit' and 'HelpLiam'.

She has been gone for over 10 hours and its getting dark. I'm just worried that she's gone back to Wolverhampton. There isn't going to be anyone there for her, no Rae, no Dad and no me. I am getting desperate I don't want her hanging around in the dark by herself, in a place she barely knows. I have been walking in circles for hours. I haven't seen any sign of her and I am panicking more than ever. Dad is going to freak when he finds out I lost my little sister in London and that she is ignoring me and my friends and we can't find her.

Gosh I am in trouble.

----Kit's POV---

I am walking around in a city that I barely know without any of the boys. I feel lost. I have just been walking around aimlessly like I am a lost puppy. I come across a park and sit down on the bench. The sun is setting and I am beginning to get worried. Something or rather someone is tapping me on the shoulder. I looked over to them. It was a girl about 14 years old maybe even 15. Her brown hair was braided down her back and pulled over her shoulder. She had dark brown eyes and braces. She looked at me curiously as if she was checking seeming then just sighed.

"Are you Kit?" She asked.

"Yes" I answered.

"did you know that Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall and Harry are looking for you?" She began to question.

"I thought they might be but I didn't know for sure"

"They love you. I know that you left because one of them hurt you but please go back I can't bare to hear this stuff saying how desperate they are to find you" she mumbled.

"I can't go back, they'll just leave me" I answered plainly.

"they will find a way to get you to come with them Kit, please the boys are broken without you" her words hit me hard.

Are they really broken? Or is she lying?

I doubt they care that much anyway.

----Liam's POV----

I see her. It is pitch black but I can see her figure in the darkness. There she is. On that bench. Alone.

I walked quietly but quickly towards her. I could see even from the distance that she was shaking, she was obviously cold. Her whole body was shaking like a leaf on a fragile tree in a cyclone.

I sat next to her. She didn't move to see who I was she already knew. Even after not seeing each other for long periods of time we could still sense when the other person was sitting there.

"Kit" I whispered "We didn't mean for you to find out like that"

"Well that's how I found out" she stated.

"Kit, I'm sorry. We won't leave you here if you don't want us to leave" I tried to talk to her. I felt like I was just being pushed away because she wasn't responding like she normally would.

"Liam, I'm sick of this. Sick of promises, sick of being left behind, sick of being abandoned and sick of holding everyone back. First Dad, then Rae and now you. I just can't take it. I need to have something permanent and at the moment the only thing in my life that is permanent is my tattoo" she yelled.

"tattoo?!?" I almost yelled back.

"yep" she responded happily

"does dad know?" I questioned

"Yes Liam he does" she answered rudely.

"If you don't mind my asking what is it?" I asked cautiously

She lifted her sleeve and showed me the writing on her left shoulder. It wrote 'Kiara <3 Liam <3 Rae <3 Rob <3' (A/N the hearts are actual hearts not the way written). Kiara was Mum's name and Rob is dad's. It was just a band of writing going around the top of her arm. Like a really high permanent bangle.

"Liam, those people will always be permanent in my life but whether they always mean the same to me will be determined by their actions." She was crying. I could hear it in her voice.

Her crying was one of the sounds that made me want to curl up in a ball and cry. She is my younger and only sister and when she cries I feel as if I must too.

"let's go home" I told her as I picked her up off the bench after I stood up.

She was holding her bag in her lap as I carried her. She was obviously too upset and tired to protest returning to the house but I knew once she had lost her tiredness and sadness there would be a very long and tiresome conversation about promises and her. I can handle that I'm just not sure the other four boys can.


To- Louis the swagmaster, Lucky Nialler, Zayniekins, Hazzabear

-'I have her at the house'

I texted the boys as soon as I had a free hand. I had placed Kit in her bed she was fast asleep.

I sat on the couch. The boys all burst in the front door at once.

"Where is she?" Louis almost yelled, he looked so worried.

"Up stairs asleep." I answered

"Is she ok?" Niall asked with concern showing in his voice.

"Where'd you find her?" Zayn asked.

Suddenly a smash sounded upstairs and then a scream that could not come from the mouth of Kit. Panic surged through my entire body. I felt as if I couldn't move but Kit's screams forced me to.

I sprinted up the stairs, the boys hot on my heels. My heart was pounding against the inside of my chest.

"Didn't you increase the security on the house?" Harry asked.

"Now is not the time!" Zayn growled at Harry.

I swung around the corner of the door frame to Kit's room and there she was. Her window was smashed, her room was in the same state as a few days ago after she had been robbed. My heart settled a little when I realised that she was ok.

Then I looked around the room, her picture, the one I had driven for hours to return to her. It was smashed and torn, all over again. I looked up at my brave little sister. Everything was gone and ruined all over again.

Why did this person want to upset her?

What could she possibly have done?

Maybe this wasn't about her but she was the only way to get to someone else.

She just gave me a look of sadness through her tears.

"You Promised" she whispered as tears fell from her eyes leaving a trail down her cheeks and finally landing on her bed covers.

Little Miss PayneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon