Protective Big Brothers (Chapter 11)

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Kit and I were sitting on the couch awkwardly. I knew I was the reason for her and Louis' break-up. I am not stupid. I knew they listened to Harry and I talking in the hallway. Of course I didn't know straight away that they had heard, that is why I was angry with Lou. Now I understand he just pretend broke up with Kit, it was all to keep me happy. I find that so strange that Louis and Kit did it to please me. Kit should know by now that the only persons opinion on her relationships that actually matters is hers and possibly Dad's.

There was a knock at the door. Kit quickly jumped off the couch at speed, she obviously felt just as awkward as I did. I was annoyed that she was hiding things from me. It's not like her to do that either. I wanted so badly to know what was going on with Rae, I mean seriously he is my brother too. I guess they have always had that relationship between each other that I haven't got with either of them. Maybe I was adopted. Hell no, Kit and I are ridiculously similar there is no way in hell.

Her curly hair bounced as she jumped to the door. Suddenly I knew why she hadn't told me. My brother walked in the front door. Rae's brown hair was short and his brown eyes shone as he saw his little sister.

"Kit" he smiled brightly before embracing her.

I jumped up from my seat and ran to the door. I can't believe my brother was in London, in my house!

"Oh, Hey Liam" his smiled dulled a little but was still bright.

"Hey Rae" I smiled.

He gave me a sort of awkward hug. Kit was jumping up and down with excitement. I still don't know how she kept such a big secret for almost three hours. I mean this is the girl that would go shopping for christmas presents and tell us what she bought us five minutes after walking in the door to the house. Was she still the same girl? Probably not. She wasn't the little, innocent, sweet and caring girl she was when she was seven. I guess the cruel world changed her. For better or worse I guess I'll never know.


Liam was obviously deep in thought. He only ever makes that ridiculously serious face when he thinks. It is so funny to watch him with that face though because it was just deadly serious. No fun or innocence or sweetness made it into that face. Only when he was out of that state of mind did his sweetness and innocence return along with his fun. I watched as my two brothers stared awkwardly into space. I don't get why they can't just be normal and get along. The past is in the past and they need to get over it.

"Come on Rae" I smile at him.

I grab his hand and bring him to the couch.

"Do you want a drink?" I offered

"Cuppa would be lovely Kit" he smiled.

I went into the kitchen and avoided grabbing Louis' tea as I knew it was strictly his. Suddenly I felt hands wrap around me.

"Hey gorgeous" Louis voice sounded sweet.

I pulled my head back and kissed his cheek, a smile spread across his face.

"Are you making tea?" he asked.

"yep" I said as I continued to make tea.

Once I had finished I walked into the lounge. Louis spilt off from me but followed me into the room.

"Thanks Kit" Rae smiled as I handed him the tea.

"Who's this?" Louis asked curiously.

"Rae, Our brother" Liam explained.

"Hi" Rae smiled at Lou.

"That's Louis, Kit's boyfriend" Liam introduced without a second thought.

My eyes widened, did he just say boyfriend? My ears must be playing tricks on me. Surely he didn't. Or did her? Was he finally accepting our relationship.

"Liam, we broke up, remember?" Louis tried to jog his memory of the traumatic break-up.

"Louis, I know you were both just trying to please me. You are still going out, I know it." Liam said.

"Oh, Liam I'm sorry" I stuttered.

"It's fine Kit. Just go back to being normal with him" he smiled a little.

"So, you were saying" Rae said.

"Right, this is Louis. Kit's boyfriend" Liam repeated.

I suddenly became nervous. I have already had to deal with the disproval of one brother, I do not need disapproval from another.

"Nice to meet you Louis. Now Kit is my younger and only sister do not break her heart!" Rae said calmly.

My eyes went even wider than they had before. Rae can't and shouldn't be saying this to my Louis. Of course he isn't going to break my heart, he is Louis. Louis didn't look to pleased at his sentence. I guess he knew where Rae was coming from as he is the big brother of four girls but I mean seriously, Louis would never say it to any of his sisters boyfriends (Well at the moment it's only Lottie but he wouldn't say it in future either).

"Rae, he is my band mate, I trust him with Kit as should you" Liam butted in.

"Li, calm down bro" Rae said.

"Rae, you can't just walk into my house and order Lou not to break Kit's heart. Kit is my sister too, don't think I am not caring for her because I am! I have forever and I will forever!"

"What are you on about Liam, you never cared for her!"

"Of course I did!" Liam yelled.

"No, you most certainly did not"

That was it, I'd had enough. I got up from where I was sitting and ran out the front door. I didn't care where I was going, I just wanted to get away. I thought having Rae here would fix things not tear us all apart again! I don't want this, I don't need this, I just want Dad.

The sound of my converse hitting the road settled me into a beat of running. My phone rang in my pocket too many times to count. It was probably Louis and Liam calling. Rae was probably just yelling at both boys telling them that they were the reason I was running away. I love Rae tons I mean he is my big brother but sometimes he can be a bit much. He is way too hard on Liam, seriously the boy is 1/5 of the hottest boy band, he has an amazing girlfriend (which I am yet to meet) and the best friends in the world (including my gorgeous Louis). What more does Rae want? Not to mention he is way to protective of me! I am an 18 year old girl. I can definitely look after myself, of course I love to be looked after sometimes but I don't like to be babysat, I can't fend for myself.

"OMG its Kit!" a girl screamed.

I stopped to see who it was and if I knew them. Of course I didn't, I barely know anyone around here. At that moment about 15 young girls ran at me and thats when it hit me. I was famous. I wasn't famous for me though. Of course i wasn't. I certainly am not as famous as my big brother but I was famous. All because I am Liam Payne's little sister. Thats why! All because I am Little Miss Payne.

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