You're Lucky I Love You (Chapter 76)

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  • Dedicated to Sam, for being my bestfriend for 7 years and sticking by me whatever went on. I

---Kit’s POV----

----Three months later----

“Daddy can I have choccy?” Charlotte whined, her perfect blue eyes looking right up at her Dad.

“No more Charlotte we need to leave some for Uncle Niall” Louis told her.

Charlotte just stared up at him jutting out her bottom lip, “please daddy” she whined.

He looked at her, his eyes softening, “fine” He said, “Now I’m gonna have to buy Niall more chocolate” he muttered to himself.

“Yay”, Charlotte cheered, “I love you daddy” She cooed.

“I love you too Charlotte” He smiled down at her.

He got up off the couch and went to the fridge pulling out the bar of galaxy chocolate, he broke off a bit and then broke it in half, he handed one half to Charlotte then took a bite out of the piece in his hand. Charlotte darted out of the room content with her chocolate; she rushed up the stairs to her room. Sophie was asleep as always, when she is older I am going to tell her that she spent her entire childhood asleep. No doubt she is going to be a lazy teenager, not that I was any different.

Louis came back and sat beside me shoving his half eaten piece of chocolate in my face.

“Want some?” He asked with chocolate still in his mouth.

I opened my mouth and bit a small portion of the chocolate out of his hand.

“I’m not a zoo keeper don’t eat the food out of my hand” He teased.

I giggled.

“I know I’m hilarious” He smirked.

“You’re about as funny as a brick wall”

“A brick wall with some funny drawings on it” He smiled.

“No, a plain, boring brick wall”

“Are you calling me boring?” He faked hurt.

“Nope” I smiled cheekily up at him.

“That’s it” He said jumping to his feet.

I quickly got onto mine jumping over the back of the couch. I sprinted around the kitchen, out through the back door, hiding around the back of the shed. Louis reached the front and slowly crept around the left side, I could see his shadow, I darted back the other side and ran back into the house. He caught on soon enough sprinting after me. I ran up the stairs skipping every second one, he was on my tail, I could hear his breathing as he ran towards me. I ran straight for my room. I pounced onto my bed then in attempt to get to the other side of it fell off it. I am clumsy okay!

“Ouch” I squealed.

“Are you okay?” Louis asked as he rushed to my side.

“Mhmm” I said, looking up at him as he sat beside me.

“Were you faking that fall?” He asked smiling cheekily.

“Nah, I did fall” I smiled back.

“You’re so clumsy, but I love that about you” He said kissing my forehead.

I looked into his perfect eyes, he edged closer to me and I did the same.

Soon enough our lips met and we kissed. Our kiss quickly grew into a full on make-out session which was interrupted rudely by the cheeky Cheshire boy that my boyfriend calls his best friend.

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