My Boys (Chapter 30)

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-------Kit's POV------

It's today. Today is the day that we are all going down to Wolverhampton. Louis, Liam and I are in the back with Zayn in the front with Paul and Niall and Harry behind us. I don't want to go. I don't want to cry anymore, I don't want to wear this black dress. The colour depresses me.

Louis and Liam were either side of me and had tight grips on my hands.

Niall and Harry were singing trying to lighten the mood, I can tell you one thing. It's not working!

The car trip went by slowly and everyone was really trying hard to make it fun. The others ended up in a jam session without Li, Lou and I. I didn't feel like having fun, I just wanted Dad.

Rae had flown in for the funeral. Everyone was there, and by everyone I mean everyone. From the baker to the local real estate agent. From my old friends from school to Dad's old work colleagues. Everyone was there.

I watched from a distance as Liam and Rae greeted everyone walking in. I can't do it. No one can see which is good because I don't want to have to uphold conversations with people.

It was about to begin so I walked in by myself because all the boys were already in there. There were white lilies tied to the sides of the benches all the way down. lilies were the flowers mum and dad had at their wedding. I have seen so many photos from their wedding with Lilies. My family and close friends were at the front of the room by the coffin so I guessed that's where I should be. Carly and Willow were sitting with Maya (their mum), Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall and Harry were sitting together leaving a gap in the middle for me. I slid into the seat they had saved and waited for the funeral to begin.

Many people got up to speak about my dad, saying how wonderful he was and how much he effected them. Liam and Rae both got up to speak and as the funeral was beginning to come to an ending I realised how much I wanted to talk about him.

I don't care how much I cry during talking about him just as long as I get to say ow much he helped me, cared for me, loved me. No one was standing out the front so I decided to get up and walked to the front. I reached the microphone and a few people's faces showed shock.

"My Dad, he was a wonderful person as most of you know and have stated today. As many of you know my mother passed away when I was two years old. I don't remember much about her apart from the few pictures and many stories I have been told and shown, but Dad. He is someone I know like the back of my hand, much like the way I know my brothers. Dad was such a caring person, everyday he would make sure the three of us were ok and if we weren't he'd stay and care for us. I remember having numerous breakdowns throughout my life when I came to the sudden realisation I couldn't remember mum. He would sit with me for hours telling me stories and giving me pictures. He stayed strong for the three of us even though he was breaking inside. I don't think I have ever met someone like Dad in my life and I highly doubt I will ever meet another like him ever. He was special, one in a million and he was mine." Tears rolling down my cheeks. Liam got up from his seat and walked over to the front comforting me as I spoke. Rae quickly followed Liam's actions and stood the other side of me. They both had their arms wrapped around me either side and I felt a little better.

Weakness is something I hate showing. Rae and Liam were quiet.

"My dad has three children who love him no matter where he is. He is always with us no matter what! I will always love you Dad" I finished.

My brothers embraced me tightly.

Once the funeral was over we went outside and I found I was being congratulated on my speech. I never mentioned it was made up on the spot. That will just be between me and Dad.

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