Goodbye Little Miss Payne (Chapter 80)

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-------Years Later------

“Mum” Charlotte whined.

“Charlotte” I mimicked.

“Ryan wants me to come out with him tonight but Dad said no” She said.

“Well if Dad said no already why do you think I am going to say any different?” I asked.

“Come on, he’s being over protective. I want to have a social life. You had one at my age!”

“Yes and that left me with a child at your age!” I threw back.

“Ugh! Come on Mum please” She pleaded.

“I will speak with your father” I told her.

“Thanks Mum” She beamed before bounding over and kissing my cheek.

I watched as she walked off in her short denim shorts and half top, Louis wouldn’t be happy with this new look she had put together. I got off the couch careful not to disturb Emma-Belle who was asleep on the couch next to me. My movement had always woken her, never my speaking. She was my beautiful three year old who had too much energy and a strange love for snails.

I walked into the kitchen to see Louis over at the sink washing up after breakfast.

“Hey” I smiled.

“Hey Beautiful” He smiled brightly moving over towards me.

“I was wondering-”

“If this is about Char the answer is no” He said sternly.

“Come on babe”

“No, she can’t go out with that boy. I have never even met him.” He frowned.

“Louis please, she really likes him. If Liam had said no to me going out with you where would be right now?”


“Louis! We would have snuck around and gone out anyway. Would you rather she asks? Or sneaks around us? We know everything and sooner or later we will know nothing but we can make it later if we show her we trust her and this boy” I said.

“But I don’t trust this boy” He growled.

“But you trust her and if she trusts him so should you”


“Please Louis”


I looked up at him with my eyes pleading.

“You know I can’t say no to that face”

“I do know that” I smiled cheekily.

“Fine but he picks her up and I get to meet him”

“Perfect” I smiled.

“You’re lucky I love you”


He laughed at me before kissing me just as Tommy’s baby monitor went off.

“Great, that kid has perfect timing doesn’t he” Louis smiled before kissing my cheek and running upstairs to Tommy’s room.

My phone blared as Tommy’s crying died down and Louis’ beautiful singing came through the baby monitor. I got so distracted that I almost didn’t answer the phone.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hello Lovely” Harry’s voice purred down the phone line.

“Why hello Harold” I smiled as I called him the name he disliked being called, mostly because it isn’t his name.

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