Breaking Out (Chapter 51)

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------Kits POV------

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I could hear the sounds are me. Before now everything had been silent. Just the darkness and I being quiet. Now I could hear beeping. I could hear faint talking but unfortunately I didn't recognize the voices nor could I understand what was being said.

I couldn't open my eyes and suddenly a world of panic passed through me. I need to open them.

Where am I?

Why can I not feel Louis beside me?

Why is there beeping?

I don't know where I am.

I need to fight the darkness, I need to know where I am, where Sophie is and where Louis is. I need to as a person, a mother and a girlfriend but also as myself.

Follow the beeping. Follow the voices.

My eye lids moved slightly.

Keep going Kit, come on. I begged myself to open my eyes. I need to, I really do.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Follow it.

Beep Beep Beep.

Come on Kit.

Beep Beep Beep.

Suddenly I got enough strength to push up eyelids up, they fluttered slightly in order to let my eyes adjust to the brightness and white walls that reflected the light. I glanced around the room without moving my head. I could only see the right side of the room. In the corner was a chair and in it sat Liam. His face resting in his hands, his hands covering majority of his face including his eyes.

Niall was standing by the window facing Liam in the corner. He was watching the world go by below the window sill.

Then finally sat beside me was my older brother. His head resting on my mattress, his eyes shut tightly. I am in a hospital, I can see the plain white walls and the heart monitor beside my bed linked up to my hand. It's the only place I could be, but I don't know why.

I shifted slightly feeling my left arm and right leg both shoot pain up my body making me moan in pain slightly.

Liam's head shot straight up, Niall quickly turned to face the bed and Rae's eyes instantly opened.

"Kit!" Niall squeaked.

"Are you ok? Do you need anything? Oh my goodness you're awake" Liam gushed.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out of it.

Rae just watched me, he looked thankful, grateful, happy. Those are three emotions I have never seen on Rae's face when he is around Liam.

"W-wh-ere is-s L-l-l-oui-s?" I managed to say over the space of 3 minutes each letter coming out at about the speed of ten seconds.

"Ummm" Niall's voice hummed as he gave questioning looks to Liam and Rae. Liam seemed unsure but Rae nodded. "He is with Sophie.... In intensive care."

"WHAT!!?!" I squealed. Without a stutter in the world my voice hitting one of the highest pitches it ever has. My body went into panic mode. Is my daughter ok? I need to see her.

My hands found the bed but they were a little numb. I began to use them to push myself up off the bed, my arm in too much pain to even register properly with my half asleep brain.

"No Kit, you need to stop. Stay put!" Liam growled at me.

I tried to ignore him and the pain but the second thing was too hard to ignore. I moved my hands from beneath me and fell harshly back onto the bed. It hurt I'm not going to lie but I could deal with it if it meant seeing Sophie sooner.

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