Unwanted Kisses (Chapter 7)

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- Liam-

I can't believe Kit's been robbed. I sat on the couch as Harry spoke on the phone to her. His tone in his voice changed dramatically suddenly. He looked at the phone strangely before muttering under his breath some choice words which I wish I could unhear.

"Is she ok?" I questioned.

Louis was sitting on the couch across from me his face concerned. Obviously for Kit though.

"She knows her room is empty" Harry said.

"Does she know who has her stuff?"

"Yeah where did it go?" Niall questioned.

" She has it" Harry muttered.

"What? where did she take it?"


"You mean to Wolverhampton?" I asked. Harry just nodded.

Panic surged through me. I didn't know what to do. I can't just go home and get her.

"Why? She's coming back right?" Louis spoke up for the first time.

"I don't think so" Harry said only answering the last question.

My heart almost completely stopped and I can tell by the look on Louis face his almost did too. I jumped to my feet and ran to the bench to grab my car keys.

"Where are you going?" Zayn questioned.

"Home" I answered.

"I'm coming too" Louis said as he jumped to his feet.

"Liam it is almost 10 are you sure you want to be driving all the way over there? Especially now?" Zayn as concerned.

"Yep I'm sure." I answered.

I am going to get my sister even if it means driving in pitch black through the night.


The awkward silence has lasted almost an hour and I know Lou can't bare it. Maybe we should just make up. We don't even know why Kit left but I can bet it is because she can't bare to see us fight. I know for a fact she likes Lou and I am her brother I guess it isn't the best combination for a fight in her eyes.

"Liam" Louis voice rang out in the silence. "Can we turn on the radio?" he asked.

"Hold on. Louis I'm sorry that I treated you like that. I didn't mean to hurt you and I didn't realise that it affected Kit as well."

"Im sorry too Li-Li I didn't mean to upset you it is just I love Kit and I want to be with her but I cannot if you wont allow it" the words hit me hard. I was the reason. I was the reason for Kit leaving, I was the reason for Louis and Kit crying. I was the reason this was all happening.

"I will allow it"


"Wakey Wakey" Willow squealed in my face as she jumped up and down on my bed.

"Ugh, five more minutes" I pleaded.

"That's always what Carly says but it is never five minutes" Willow frowned.

"Fine" I gave into the four year olds pleads.

I followed her downstairs to the kitchen and sat at the bench with her as Maya her mother gave us food. I heard footsteps and I looked up to the top of the stairs to see Carly. She was tired and obviously grumpy.

"Morning" Maya chirped.

"Morning Mum" Carly grumbled.

"What's for breakfast mummy?" Willow asked with her adorable voice.

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