Notes and Homecomings (Chapter 56)

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---Kit's POV---

I felt like I couldn't breathe. Like I had been winded really badly, or under water. Whatever I felt the end result was I could barely breathe. My heart hurt, my lungs hurt, my heard hurt, I couldn't breathe.

I collapsed to the floor in a heap, as I began to let the waterworks flow. I wasn't scared by the message as much as I would have thought. I was terrified by the fact that this person, whoever they were knew where I lived and they had the ability to get into my daughters room. It obviously was no trouble to them to get into my daughters room for I hadn't heard any noise from the room until Sophie began to cry.

I laid on the ground just waiting for someone stronger to come along and be my rock, pick me up because I was down, truth is I would be waiting a fair while before someone was around here to pick me up, hold my hand, tell me 'everything is gonna be alright', hug me until I stopped crying and would let me soak their shirt with my never ending tears.






Picking myself off the floor knowing laying on the ground would not do me any good. I looked at Sophie who was laying in her cot slowly dozing off. I smiled at her, she is so innocent, she doesn't have a care in the world, I remember being young, I couldn't wait to grow up, become a big kid like Rae and Liam, I wanted to grow up, I never knew growing up would feel like this.

I am nineteen, I live with my brother, my boyfriend and three of my best-friends, I have young girls screaming my name wether in hate or love, my parents have both passed away, I have a daughter who turns One in November and I have received a threat that is making me choose between the love of my life and my daughter.

I walked out of Sophie's room leaving my little girl to rest. I was still shaking slightly out of shock. I don't know what to think of this letter. I held the white piece of paper in my hand reading the message over and over again.

I cant leave Louis but Sophie isn't even a year old, I cannot leave her! There is no possible way I could deal with leaving either of them. Louis is my rock, he has been my support through everything, he has held me when I cried, laughed with me and at me, mucked around with me, kissed me, hugged me, and most of all he loved me, even when we weren't a couple.

Sophie, Sophie is a little girl, my little girl. Of course I didn't give birth to her but she is still my little girl and nothing and nobody can get in the way of that.

I guess my mind is made up, I will only act on this stupid note if I get a few more, there is no way I am going to act on just one stupid note! For all I know it could be some stupid fan trying to get me to break up with Louis or look like a bad mother.

----Day of the Boys returning ----

Getting up early.

Eat Breakfast.

Feeding Sophie and BlueBell.

Playing with Sophie.

Putting Sophie to bed.


Skype call with Louis.

Phone call with Liam.

Play with BlueBell.

Getting Sophie up and feeding her.

Playing with Sophie.


Watching a movie (G rated of course)

Putting Sophie back to bed.

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