Your Beautiful (Chapter 43)

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----Kits POV---

Another knock on the door came and it seemed mere seconds after the first. I got up from the dining room table where I was sat with about 10 others. I walked to the front door and opened it expecting it to be Niall's family.

"Kit" a young voice squealed with happiness.

"Hey Rubs" I smiled picking her up and hugging her.

"Hey Kit" Max gave me his half smile, it was actually really cute, a bit like him....

"Hey you" I smiled putting Ruby back on the ground and hugging Max quikcly kissing his cheek as I did so.

I said a quick hello to Eliza and Cassy before showing them inside.

"Kit! Sophie wants you" yelled Niall with a crying Soph in the background.

"Coming" I yelled back, "come and meet Soph" I smiled to Max.

"Who is Sophie?" Max asked.

"You will see" I winked.

I walked into the lounge where Niall and Haz were sat with Sophie.

"Hey Soph" I cooed picking up the crying baby.

I looked over to Max whose face showed the same panic and curiousity as most of the neighbours did.

"Is she yours?" Max asked the panic came out in his voice.

"ummm kinda" I partially answered.

"What do you mean?" He questioned getting more and more worried.

"She will legally become mine tomorrow but I didnt give birth to her. She was left on our doorstep. We are adopting her tommorw.'' I explained.

"Oh, can I hold her?" He asked curiously.

"Sure" I handed the now silent Sophie over to Max, he held her just like he should. He's had practice with his three sisters I'm guessing. Max just stood there smiling down at Sophie. Her eyes said it all, she smiled her toothless smile back at him. Max is definetly someone special.

I watched Max hold Sophie. Her future seemed so uncertain. The boys have been arguing over her recently which makes me even more unsure. I dont know what Im gonna do. They all want to be classified as her Dad, Liam is the only one who hasnt been begging, thats mostly because Im his sister so he automatically becomes uncle. He doesnt mind just being Uncle Liam. Louis and Niall are probably the worst with the arguing.To be honest Im not sure if this fight between those two is over Sophie or me. Im not trying to sound snobby or anything but I know that they both like me as more than a friend and I return the feelings but only to one of them.

"Kit" Harrys fingers snap in front of my face.

"Yeah, sorry" I apologise.

"My mum and Louis' want to speak with you" He said with his eyes showing how concertrated he was on the words coming from his mouth.

"Alright. Eliza you can hold Soph when your brother is done, Max is incharge." I smiled.

"I live here shouldnt I be incharge?" Harry whined.

"No" I snapped as I exited the room and headed to the dining room where Anne and Jay were sat.

"Hello Christiana" Anne smiled.

"Hi" I smiled trying to cover how nervous I was, "You can call me Kit"

"We know" Anne replied.

"So" I said awkwardly.

"Kit, we were just wondering who is going to be the father of Sophie" Jay said polietly. Not you too!

"umm" I mumbled.

"Its just we would like to know who is the grandmother"

"well, thing is there are four boys who want to be her father and to be honest I am a little worried that it will effect their careers and their relationships not only with me but each other. They have been fighting over the role since she got here. I dont want to split them" I answered.

"Well sweetie as much as we respect your decision the girl cannot grow up with the five boys just being there and one not being her father."

"Yes she can" I retaliated.

"Just give them a chance." Jay smiled.

At that minute Louis walked in.

"Hey KitKat" he smirked leaning down kissing me on the cheek. Jay raised her eyebrows.

"Hey BooBear" I smiled turning to face him.

Both Anne and Jay exchanged looks and then Jay shrugged.

What an interesting Christmas this will be!

"Kit! Kit!" a certain little girl squealed whilst jumping on my bed.

"Ruby! Ruby! Ruby!" I mimicked.

"I only said your name twice" She giggled crossing her arms.

"What do you want its like 7 in the morning" I groaned.

"Its Christmas, get up!"

We had let Max and the girls stay at ours because they couldnt afford a hotel and we love them but right now I was kinda regretting it. Its too early!

The young girl grabbed my arm and pulled it until I got out of my bed. I was so thankful that she hadnt woken Sophie.

I stumbled downstairs to see that Eliza had woken Lou, Liam and Haz, Cassy had managed Niall and Zayn but Zayn didnt seem to happy with her.

''Presents!" Declared Ruby.

"Alright Rubs you hand them out" Louis smiled.

It was only one for now until the rest of the families got here.

"Louis this one is from Harry" Ruby said handig Louis the present.

"thanks hazzabear I love you man" He smiled holding up two tickets to the fray along with backstage passes.

"Kit this is from Louis" Ruby says as she hands me

"No thats for later" Louis says as he rips the present out of my hands.

"Alright" I mumbled under my breath.

"Here Kit you can open mine" Max smiled handing me a present.

I ripped open the paper and found a box in it. I pulled the top off the box only to find a chain bracelet, with a silver plate that had writing engraved on it.

It read 'Your Beautiful, Kit <3'

I smiled down at the bracelet.

"Thanks Max, would you mind putting it on for me?" I asked.

"Sure cutie" he replied clipping the two ends of the bracelet together around my wrist. I kissed his cheek and he went slightly red.

We continued opening presents throughout the day as more and more people arrived and then the numbers began to decrease as early evening turned into late night. I placed my folded arms on the wood of Sophie's cot. I stared down at my newly adopted daughter.

"Shes beautiful, isnt she?" A voice cooed from next to me.

"She is" I smiled down at her.

"Would you like your christmas present?" He asked me. I knew it was Louis.

"Sure" I looked up at him. He handed me a box with a ribbon around it. I undid the ribbon slowly just to annoy him.

I finally got to open the box i flipped open the red velvet lid to find a beautiful gold diamond necklace. I gasped.,

"Louis, wha-why-oh my go-how did yo-I-I love it" I looked up at him whilst stuttering out words, well parts of words.

I stood on my tip-toes and leant in giving him a kiss. He licked my lips for entrance and I definetly could not deny it. He deepend the kiss and pulled away after a few minutes.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" 

And in that moment I truly did.

Little Miss Payneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें