Twitter from Bad to Good (Chapter 8)

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"So" Harry's voice showing just how awkward he felt.

"So" I mimicked his awkwardness .

Harry and I haven't quite mastered how to not be awkward around each other after I left and now Louis and I are a little more cosy together it seems to have distanced Harry and I.

"Why did you leave? I mean I know the reasons and I mean if that kind of thing happened to me I would probably think about leaving but I don't think I'd ever get up the strength to actually act upon it" he blurted.

"I guess I knew that it would eventually break everyone else so I thought if I break first I should just give in and leave" I spoke.

It was the truth. My truth. I know everyone is different and barely anyone would understand why I left but it was my truth and maybe Harry would understand.

"I understand" he spoke mimicking the words running through my mind.



"Thankyou" I whispered as I hugged him.

He was silent and it was just what I needed.


"Kit get your butt down here now!" Liam screamed from the bottom of the staircase.

I jumped off my comfy bed leaving my laptop unattended.

"Coming" I yelled.

"Why is Niall telling me you ate his chocolate?"

"I did" I smirked.

"Don't hurt my baby" Louis said getting up from the couch and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Shes my baby sister Lou and she isn't yours. You aren't exactly dating" Liam shot back.

"Kit, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked suddenly

"Yeah" I smiled as I quickly kissed his lips. It was more to annoy Li-Li than it was to actually kiss him.

"There you go, she's mine now." he smiled cheekily. I smiled up at him.

"Whatever, why did you take Niall's food?" Liam cut to the chase.

"I didn't know it was his, it didn't say Niall on it. It was in the fridge Li, at our house we do this thing called sharing" I stated, I was becoming frustrated with Liam right now.

"Well it was Nialls" he was blunt and sharp in his voice.

"Whatever" I say as I turn around and march myself back up to my room.

Nothing like a bit of brotherly sisterly love huh?

I sat down on my bed, I placed my laptop on my lap. I clicked onto the Internet and logged onto twitter. I had gained over 400,000 more followers and I had too many mentions to mention.

I scrolled through to find so many of my mentions.

-'@Real_Christiana_Paynexox you are so pretty, I am so jealous that you are Liam's sister.'

- ' I love Liam's sister @Real_Christiana_Paynexox she is amazing <3'

Then there was the bad.

- ' I can't believe our gorgeous Liam is related to @Real_Christiana_Paynexox'

- 'What is she doing with our boys? @Real_Christiana_Paynexox' attached was a picture from the red carpet event when I was holding onto my brother and Lou.

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