Dad Would Be Proud (Chapter 68)

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----Kit’s POV---

“Are you sure I look okay?” Danielle asked for the thirtieth time in the past two minutes.

“You look beautiful darling” Her mother reassured her with tears running down her cheeks.

I stood there watching them knowing that I would never have that moment. I would never have my mother stood next to me on my wedding day, nor my father. My mum would never be stood beside me crying telling me how beautiful I looked in my wedding dress.

“You really do look stunning Dani” I told her, “I’m glad my brother is marrying you. To tell you a secret you are the only one of Liam’s girlfriends I have ever liked.” 

She smiled at me, “Thankyou Kit”

“Come on Darlin’ it’s time” Her dad said opening the door.

Carly and Perrie exited out the door followed by one of Dani’s friends, then I left the room holding hands with my two little girls, yes I have Sophie back now, she obviously missed me because she hasn’t let go of my hand since she saw me. I was then followed out the door by Dani’s best friend Hanna and then Dani exited with her father and mother.

“You girls look very pretty” I told them.

“Thanks Mumma” Charlotte said.

Sophie waddled along on my left side, I knew I would have to pick her up when we walked down the aisle but I let her walk until we got to the lobby.

The wedding party stood down stairs, Liam at the front as he walked down by himself, followed by Harry and Carly, Zayn walked down with Perrie whilst Dani’s friend walked behind with Rae. I went to begin walking when Louis showed up beside me, He held his arms out for Sophie and I handed her to him, he grabbed my spare hand (the one that wasn’t clutching onto Charlotte) and we began to walk down together. It didn’t feel weird at all to be holding hands with him. We walked up to the end he stood infront of Zayn and I stood infront of Dani’s friend, I really need to learn her name. Hanna and Niall walked down together as Best man and Maid of Honour.

Then Dani began her walk down the aisle with her father. She really did look beautiful. I looked over to Liam who had tears in his eyes, Oh god my brother is a sook.  

Dani’s father handed her over to Liam and the ceremony began.

I kept my eyes on Liam and Dani almost the entire time, with a few, okay a lot of glances at Louis and a few, this time I mean a few glances at Christian, just to make sure he was okay.

Halfway through the ceremony Sophie through a fit, that is the moment when I was so glad I let Louis take her off me when we walked down. Danielle was just laughing at the scene she caused and the amount of boys it took to calm her down, she ended up in her uncle Harry’s arms and five minutes later she fell asleep. Charlotte stood beside me and watched the ceremony intently the entire time. I was very proud of her.

After the ceremony and photos, which was only of the fourteen of us who stood up front through the ceremony and Dani’s parents.

I ended up with three favourite photos which I am getting on a canvas for my apartment, the first was of Me on Louis’ back, Dani on Liam’s, Zayn had Perrie on his, Niall had Sophie on his back with her little arms wrapped around his neck, Harry had Carly and Rae was holding Charlotte on his back. It was a panorama shot it looked amazing.

The next of my favourites was of Me, Carly, Dani and Perrie on a rather large tree branch the girls had their boyfriends stood beneath them, I had Louis and Niall did this adorable one knee down with his arms in a horizontal line as if he were presenting us.

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