Chapter 21: Fog

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Moonlake was putting some clothes in his bag when somemon tapped his shoulder.

"Going somewhere?"

He turned around and saw Omar holding a small box infront of him.

"Canada" Moonlake replied.

"Ooooo, cool, before you go I bought something for you, hope you like it. The hell happened to your arm-"

"Um I fell down the escalator" Moonlake said.

Omar crossed his arms.

The Eevee sighed, "Explosion"

"Ehhhhhhh?! How?!" Omar shouted.

"It's a long complicated story, and I don't think I can tell you-" Moonlake replied, the Eevee, winced from the pain in his arm.

Then Omar got an idea, "Hey, I know a cool super secret technique that might help your arm feel better"

"Ah whatever, hurry up, I don't want to keep London waiting" Moonlake groaned, "Is" He whispered.

"Turn around" Omar said.


"Just fucking turn around-"


The Eevee turned to the window and took a deep breath, Omar moved the Sun Gem from under his shirt, closed his eyes and used the powers from the Sun Gem to slowly heal the Eevee's arm, Moonlake winced in pain the whole time, but when Omar was done, it was as if he never broke his arm to begin with. When he was done he quickly tucked it under his shirt.

"What the-"

"Pretty cool right?" Omar said, he cut his cast.

"How... Wha... My arm feels..." Moonlake stuttered, he was surprised. There was no pain as he swung it around.


"That's why it's a secret" Omar said, "Anyway I gotta get to school! Do your homework O iré tras de ti ..."

Moonlake gulped.

"See you soon!" Omar said, he pulled him in and kissed his cheek then he left.

Moonlake rubbed his cheek with his healed arm ever so slowly in awe.

"He's amazing..." He whispered to himself.

5 hours later

While on the plane, London and Isabel noticed Moonlake wasn't wearing his cast so they asked him about it.

"Hey, why aren't you wearing your cast?" Isabel asked.

"Eh, Omar used some cool secret healing technique, amazingly my arm feels better. I don't feel any pain there anymore" Moonlake said.

"Odd" London said, "That injury would have taken months to heal"

"Yeah, but at least I can help you guys out!" Moonlake said, "And maybe do more" he added staring at London  with a creepy lovestricken grin. London shifted away from Moonlake out of nervousness.

"Yeah, sure" London replied, "Thirsty"

Meanwhile, Washington DC.

Rico sat in the hotel looking out at the view of the city below him, he made his decision the day before...

Yesterday Night..


Greene sat there dead quiet for a moment.


"You're expecting me to choose between family and work? Well, I'm not picking You over my own flesh and blood! So if this is all you're gonna use me for, Screw you, Greene! I'm done being an expendable lapdog for you! I could've found him by now, but no, you don't allow it! He'll kill anyone you send, but he won't kill me or Delevio, and Arceus knows he doesn't want to see her after she threw him out of his own house and sent her own son Spiralling into depression! You don't always act for the good of everyone, only the best for You and for the CIA, Never for OUR families! Oh, sorry, Except London's because you play favorites. Y'know what? You don't deserve this job. Because while Luke Essentially was the key to turning the tide on Paine and the Surren, and you fired him. Way to go, Savior of America." He said sarcastically. Rico then slammed his fist on the table with all the power in his body, Shattering it in two. He stared at Greene with a Terrfying, Familiar look; One usually Given by Lukarin. "You aren't worthy of all the praise when My brother and I did all the dirtywork for you. If I don't have your attention, Maybe I will soon enough." Rico turned to everyone staring at this confrontation. "Until Greene's out as Commander... I quit."

Agent London Flareon Volume 3 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪🇩🇪Where stories live. Discover now