Chapter 51: Snatchers

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MI6 Headquarters, Vauxhall, London

"So let me get this straight... That crazy Sylveon bitch escaped from the prison and now she's gonna be seeking revenge on London?" Delevio says.

"That basically sums up what we believe will happen yes-" Kovar says.

Delevio began to remember her and Luke's first date and how it was rudely interrupted by Rena and a Surren special forces team.

"London... What are your plans as of now? You will not likely be able to stay in London if Rena is looking to collect your head-" Kovar asks.

"I have this place in Tokyo. She doesn't know about it-" London responds.

"You'll be temporarily transferred to our Tokyo branch then" Kovar responds.

"I'll relay word back to the CIA and tell them she's on the loose" Delevio adds.

"Alright-" London responds.

"In the meantime we've sent somemon to try and detain her. I'm just hoping we're able to end this quickly. The last thing I need is for some nutcracker Australian to go apeshit on one of our own agents" Kovar says while rubbing his forehead.

"I hope whoever you sent knows what they're doing-" London says.

"Oh trust me... She does-" Kovar says.


Appleton, Wisconsin
1 week later...

"You little shit!" Luke screams.

"Ha! Whooped your ass again!" The Marshtomp sitting next to Luke says while laughing at him.

"That's not fucking fair and you know it!" Luke screams back.

Luke spent the first week getting to know his new friends at the rehab centre Delevio gave him the forms. That particular night he met a Marshtomp named Wallace Scabbard who was left traumatized after being involved in a Surren and Playfeld battle in Utah. That night they were playing video games... In particular COD, after a long day of conversating and expressing how he felt about his goose chase around the world to a counselor, him and the other patients at the rehab centre were allowed to play any video game of their choosing. And because Luke hadn't played anything in ages... Well, let's say rusty doesn't even describe how bad Luke was doing.

"Seems fair to me! I whooped yo ass 15-8"

"How about this... You lose the next round and I tell Rosie how you feel about her"

The Pokémon's face turns pink, "No don't"

"Alright... Then let's go another round!"

"You're so on!" Wallace shouts.

Luke smirks and the two are about to start another round when Luke's phone starts buzzing. The Lucario pauses the game and picks up his phone to see it's from an unknown caller. The Lucario dismisses it as a scam call and swipes to ignore the caller.

"Sorry Wall... These scam callers are fucking annoying-"

His phone goes off again, he swipes to ignore the call... 10 seconds later... It starts ringing again. The Lucario snarls and ignores the call yet again.

"Dude just put your phone on vibrate-"

"It's still distracting-"

The phone goes off again and Luke out of anger answers the phone and his tone of voice goes from calm and collected to threatening and aggravated, "Listen here you scamming piece of shit. I don't want your fucking deals, your not getting my card details, I'm not answering your damn survey and I've got more important things to do then to be constantly fucking called when I'm in the middle of my down time! Next time you call me, I'll go over there and shove that 1980s looking phone up your ass! Fuck off!"

Agent London Flareon Volume 3 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪🇩🇪Where stories live. Discover now