Chapter 36: Fireworks

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Rico drew his gun and started firing at Tetrahyde. The Salazzle grabbed her rifle case and jumped down running away, Rico gave chase. She continued running until she got to a subway station going down the steps leaping over the fare gates gracefully. Rico still ran after her. Passerbys watched in awe as they continued running through the station. He was angry, Nobita was young, too young and she had taken his life just to lure him out. Before he could get closer to Tetrahyde, Daniella came out of nowhere and sucker punched him, Rico stumbled backwards as Daniella continued to strike him, blow after blow after blow. She finally ended with a roundhouse kick.

"Hopps-" Tetrahyde said.

The Raboot arrived with a shock collar as onlookers watched murmuring in fear and in shock.

Rico's head was spinning, he was angry, upset, like tension building in a volcano. Then suddenly everything went silent. The only thing he could see was Tetrahyde's devilish grin, he hated that smile, he wished he could rip it off her face. His chest was tighenting and at that point he let himself lose control.

He slowly began to rise and when he was up he jumped at Tetrahyde, the Salazzle slid under him and got back up as fast as she could, Rico struck her in the face.

"So now you decide to get serious" Tetrahyde snarled, she cracked her knuckles and got into a fighting stance.

It wasn't until Tetrahyde had really sent him off the edge that Rico realised the Attack Dog X serum was still in his bloodstream. However at that moment he didn't care, the only thing he wanted to do was rip her apart and make her pay for killing Nobita.

"Aww did killing that kid really make your heart ache-" Tetrahyde mocked.

Rico ran at her throwing blows left and right, Tetrahyde couldn't block all of them but it didn't bring her down. She got back up and unleashed some attacks of her own, the crowd was in awe and in horror as the two continued to fight and clash with one another.

"You murdered a child... You selfish piece of shit" Rico snarled.

Tetrahyde laughed at it as if it was a joke, "Would he be dead if you hadn't come here to Tokyo?! No! Would he be alive if you surrendered?! Absolutely!"

"Grahhhh! Stop talking!"

"Blah blah blah, cope and mald"

In a fit of Rage Rico charged at her again, fists and feet flying at rapid speeds. Tetrahyde leaped behind Rico and got the Lucario into a chokehold, "You know if it was up to me... I would just kill you. Sometimes I wonder why Greene even bothers with you-"

She kicked him forwards and he fell to the ground.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Rico shouted.

Rico roared loudly as he scurried back up and charged her. She once again almost got overwhelmed by the Lucarios attacks, his punches actually were starting to hurt, and it was at this point Tetrahyde had enough and prepped a powerful enough poison jab to finish the raging Lucario but Rico's attacks were coming in so fast she couldn't see an opening so she crane kicked him and struck him in the gut with her attack, it was so powerful it sent him down a flight of steps and onto a subway platform.

Alexa arrived at the station and just as Rico was about to jump onto Tetrahyde again, she jumped onto him and knocked him into a ticket machine.

Daniella was about to make an attempt to subdue them both but Tetrahyde stopped her.

"Another time" Tetrahyde said.

Her and the other CIA agents began to run out of the station as the police closed in on the area. Alexa took Rico by the arm and started jumping up onto buildings. Once they were in a safe place she did her best to try and calm Rico down. Clouds began to gather overhead and then eventually it started raining.

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