Chapter 29: Dethroned

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Tamara peaked from the bush. The Salazzle got some binoculars from her belt and peared inside the house. She came with a katana she had custom made just incase Luke decided to use his.

She sent the coordinates of the house to the CIA on her phone and smirked, then she went to the circuit box and cut the wires.

The lights immediately went off inside.

"No, no, no, no!" Luke said, then he smashed his fist on a table and scrambled off the couch.

"Great..." Rico mumbled, then he ran over to a drawer and got some guns from inside of it.
Tamara got in from the back in Rico's bedroom, Rico ran in the room just as she got her tail all the way in, when her and Rico's eyes met, a grin appeared on her face, her eyes glowing pink in the dark.

"Doggy" Tamara said, then she pulled her katana from her sheeth. Rico raised a pistol. With a firm stroke, she sliced the barrel off the pistol. Rico tried raising an SMG, Tamara went low, grabbed Rico's shirt, and kneed him in the gut, he dropped the gun.

"Ngh" He groaned.

Rico crumbled, Tamara laughed at Rico writhing in pain and kicked him out into the living room, he rolled into the couch. Luke heard the noise and ran over, when he saw Tetrahyde he growled loudly.

"You!" He snarled.

Tamara looked at him, still grinning like a madman.

"Doggy number 2! How are ya? Ready to go back to your master?" Tamara said.

"Rahhhh! I'm fucking sick of you!"

"Aw, but I love doing this little dance with you. It brings me so much joy! And I'll keep doing it until you surrender to the CIA" She said, pointing her katana at Luke, "So until then... Won't you dance with me doggy?"

"Call me doggy one more time!"

Tamara kicked a dizzy Rico in the face, "... Doggy... Cry about it"

Luke had enough and drew his katana from its sheeth. He stared Tamara dead in the eye and squeezed the handle, he ran at her. She dodged his first swing, and the next. Tamara slashed his face, Luke screamed and wiped the cheek she slashed, he growled and jumped on the table and drop kicked her. She recovered from the attack and smirked back at Luke.

"Did doggy learn new tricks?" Tamara asked.

"If you call me that again, I'll slice you into little fucking pieces!" Luke shouted, taking a swing at her, she dodged it.

"Oooooo scary!" Tamara said, she took a swing at Luke, he blocked the attack and reached for a knife in his belt. Tamara kneed him in the gut and gave him a roundhouse kick into the face.

She watched as Luke got up slowly, and kicked him over by the time he had the chance to get up. Luke rolled on his stomach, he had a pistol in his paw, he shot Tamara a few times, she collapsed and started wheezing Luke aimed the gun at her. Tamara stopped wheezing suddenly, she looked up at the Lucario a psychotic smile on her face.

"Psych!" She shouted, then she reached for the gun and started wrestling it from Luke. The Lucario strained as he pulled and tugged it, despite her stature Tetrahyde was strong. She eventually yanked Luke forward, kneed him and slammed her shoulder into his back.

She noticed Rico running over at her holding a baseball bat, the Lucario started swinging it at her, Tamara yanked the bat from his paws and struck Rico in the face with it, he fell backwards onto the table and it broke under his weight. She heard Luke getting back up and pulled her katana from her sheeth, and took a swing, Luke went under and started throwing punches at her. Tamara was overwhelmed and she was sent flying into the wall, she wiped the blood from her mouth, and smirked.

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